
registration n.1.記錄,登記,注冊;〔美國〕簽到,報到;(信件等的...


Set up your own voter registration booth in your community 設立自己的選民登記站

Lcq2 : business registration certificate levy rate 立法會二題:商業登記證徵費率

Notification of change of business registration particulars 通知更改商業登記資料

Information leaflet - registration of birth bdr 5 有關辦理出生登記的單張[ bdr5 ]

Medical registration fee revision regulation 2006 2006年醫生注冊費用調整規例

Select cancel registration in the area on the left 在左邊區域中選取取消注冊。

Car registration , identity card , driving license 汽車登記證,身份證,駕駛執照

Licensing of vehicles takes place after registration 車輛登記后,亦須領取牌照。

The registration number is emailed to you 在您使用注冊向導和產品密鑰對產品注冊

Registration births , deaths and marriage registration 登記(出生、死亡及婚姻登記)

Q9 chinese input nokia 7650 version - registration 九方中文輸入法7650版-用戶登記

Magong city household registration office , penghu county 澎湖縣馬公市戶政事務所

Pc q9ts b5 professional version - user registration 九方ts繁簡體教育版-用戶登記

Valid business registration certificate display of certificate 有效的商業登記證

News agencies registration amendment regulation 2005 2005年通訊社注冊修訂規例

Revised system for motor vehicles first registration tax 汽車首次登記稅制的修訂

What is the registration period of the examinations 報考公開考試的限期為多久?

Application procedures for business registration documents 商業登記資料申請程序

Contrastive study on trademark registration of the color 顏色商標注冊之比較研究