
registrant n.(商標,專利權等的)登記者;注冊人;掛號人;被登記者...


Will receive a special speedpost souvenir , and the first 100 registrants who register three or more items as a first - time registration will also receive a hongkong post van model 首一百名于網上首次登記時達3件或以上特快專遞郵件的非帳戶客戶,更可額外獲贈香港郵政郵車模型乙個。

Article 23 where , after the registration of a trademark , the name , address or other registered matters concerning the registrant change , an application regarding the change shall be filed 第二十三條注冊商標需要變更注冊人的名義、地址或者其他注冊事項的,應當提出變更申請。

Article 15 . where , after the registration of a trademark , the name , address or other registered matters concerning the registrant change , an application regarding the change shall be filed 第十五條注冊商標需要變更注冊人的名義、地址或者其他注冊事項的,應當提出變更申請。

If suitable jobs are identified in the recruitment advertisements , registrants can then make use of the facilities of our employment resources corners to apply for jobs direct 如找到合適職位空缺,更可即時在資源閣撰寫及打印求職信和履歷表,或使用電話及傳真機與雇主聯絡。

Article 36 when a trademark registrant licenses another person to use its registered trademark , the licensee must be one that conforms to the provisions of article 2 of these rules 第三十六條商標注冊人許可他人使用其注冊商標,被許可人必須符合本實施細則第二條的規定。

It would also not be in the overall interest of the community if id card registrants give their consent hastily without recognising the full implications of their decision 此外,若身份證登記人尚未認清其決定會帶來的所有影響便倉卒給予同意,也不符合社會的整體利益。

The organizer reserves the right to refuse the entrance of any registrant it deems inappropriate , and to verify the trade identity of any registrant where necessary 主辦機構有權拒絕大會認為不適當的登記人士進場,或在有需要的情況下核實其業內人士身份。

Party a agrees to assign to party b all proprietary rights of the aforesaid domain names and undertakes that party a is the registrant of the assigned domain name 甲方同意向乙方轉讓有關“域名”的所有權利并承諾其為該“域名”的注冊人。

Such data includes the top 10 positions with most vacancies received by the department and the 10 most popular positions among job registrants 其中包括本處收到的空缺中,空缺數目最高的10個職位,及最受本處登記求職人士歡迎的10大職位。

Article 35 a trademark registrant that licenses another person to use its registered trademark must enter into a trademark licensing contract with the latter 第三十五條商標注冊人許可他人使用其注冊商標,必須簽訂商標使用許可合同。

Registrants are welcome to send replacement to the conference . however , the organizers will be notified of any changes at least 1 week before the event 登記參會的代表可以自愿換他人參加會議,請在會議舉行前一周以書面形式通知我方。

After examination and approval by the trademark office , a corresponding certificate shall be issued to the registrant and the change shall be published 變更商標注冊人名義或者地址的,商標注冊人必須將其全部注冊商標一并辦理。

In changing the name or address of a trademark registrant , the trademark registrant must perform the procedures for all its trademarks at the same time 變更商標注冊人名義或者地址的,商標注冊人必須將其全部注冊商標一并辦理。

The registration fee for an accompanying person will cover all items that a full registrant is entitled to , except for congress documentation 陪同人員的注冊費包括除大會文件和禮品之外的其他諸項開銷。如果注冊后希望注銷并于

Each domain was previously used by another registrant , and tina seems to have specifically sought to re - register the domains as they became available -從事cn域名注冊管理互聯網調查工作,含相關政策動態及行業報告。

We handles all types of job vacancies including junior and managerial posts and keeps a huge job registrant database 我們處理不同種類的職位空缺,包括初級人員和管理層的職位空缺,并擁有龐大的求職人士資料庫。

With udomain . net , the answer is the domain s administrative contact . this is usually specified by the registrant during the registration process 而答案是域名之管理權仍根據域名注冊時所提供之管理人員所擁有。

I , the undersigner , on behalf of all registrants paid by me , agree to abide with all the guidelines and rules governing the summer retreat 我,代表報名表所有?加者,同意依隨播道會夏?會(大會)一?安排與守則。

According to bank of china regulations , there is handling charge of us 8 . 00 for each draft , the cost of which should be borne by the registrant 美元的手續費,該費用應由注冊者支付,請注意在支票中加入此項。