
register n.1.記錄,注冊,登記,掛號。2.(人口動態,戶籍等的...

register office

Doctors who registered in hotels expected privacy and were entitled to it . 凡登記住宿飯店的醫生都希望不受打擾,而且他們有權這樣做。

All independent schools must be registered with the department of education and science . 所有的獨立學校都必須在教育和科學部注冊。

We might arbitrarily assume for each of the three register specifications . 對于三個寄存器我們可以隨意假定每種寄存器規定的動作。

It has enough energy to overcome the frictional resistance in valves and registers . 它有足夠的能量克服閥門和記錄器的摩擦阻力。

The shift register should be set or cleared to produce the desired sequence . 移位寄存器應該置位或復位,才能產生所要求的序列。

Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs . 在我看來,生命太短促,不能用來記仇蓄恨。

A tank containing water is placed on a spring scale, which registers a total weight w . 在彈簧秤上放一桶水,稱得總重量為W

Bensulide is the only presently registered herbicidal organophosphate . 只有地散磷是目前尚未正式鑒定的有機磷酸鹽除莠劑。

It was an unassuming shop, registered under the vague name of drapery . 這是一家不顯眼的商店,招牌上籠統地稱作服裝店。

No , i am not , but i will soon be one . i came here to register . 別,我不是,但我即將成為這里的學生,我來這里注冊。

You may rest assured that we will be responsible for the registered letter . 你們可以放心,我們會對這封掛號信負責的。

Bipolar shift registers are classified as unidirectional and bidirectional . 雙極型移位寄存器可分為單向和雙向兩種。

He had even got on the electoral register in highgate before the war . 戰爭爆發之前,他居然在海格特取得選民資格。

One straightforward way is to use many scalers and many registers . 一個直接途徑就是用很多定標器和很多記錄儀。

The main source for family reconstitution is the parish register . 重新構畫家庭的主要資料來源是教區的記事錄。

If the currency has to be paid out abroad, it is registered as a debit . 如果需要對外付出外匯,則應填入借方。

She must have received the parcel : i sent it by registered post . 她一定已經收到包裹了;我是用掛號寄的。

The routine procedure scarcely registered surprise on byron . 對于慣常的一套工作程序,拜倫幾乎未加注意。

Countless compounds are to be found in the industrial registers . 在工業產品目錄中還會出現無數的化合物。