
region n.1.地方,地域,地帶;地區;行政區,管轄區,區;左近...


The cervix is the flexib1e region between the head and prothorax . 頸是頭部和前胸之間可曲的區域。

There is much interchange of foods between different regions . 在各個地區間食物能得以廣泛地交流。

This region of slow percentage increase is called the plateau . 這個增長百分率緩慢的區域稱為坪。

Electronic charge that is binding is located in the region . 起成健作用的電子電荷定城在此區域。

Violets grow wild in most temperate regions of the world . 紫羅蘭滋生在世界上大多數溫和的地方。

Southeastern united states has also acted as a donor region . 美國東南部也是主要充當供應地區。

Neritic regions are shallow . 淺海區水淺。

The special administrative region will pass its own legislation . 特別行政區將制定自己的法律。

The arctic circle is the boundary of this region of darkness . 北極圈就是這一黑暗地帶的邊界。

These camels travelled enormous distance over the desert regions . 這些駱駝在沙漠里長途跋涉。

The density of carriers in the region has been depleted . 在這個區內的載流子濃度被消耗殆盡。

This is the vegetational climate of arctic permafrost regions . 這是北極永凍地區的植物氣候。

The region between two nodes is known as the internodal segment . 在兩結間的部分稱為結間段。

Most other metals do not have such a flat yield region . 其它多數金屬沒有這種平的屈服區域。

Irrigation is needed to make crops grow in dry regions . 干旱地區需要灌溉才能使作物生長。

A region is an area lying between two adjacent landmarks . 區是兩個鄰近界標之間的區域。

Men were divided not by their regions or their roots . 人們不是按照地區和籍貫來劃分的。

The region is semiarid to arid in overall climate . 這個地區總體上是半干旱至干旱氣候。

In humans, the pars intermedia is a rudimentary region . 人的腦垂體中間部是不發達的。