
reginald n.雷金納德〔男子名〕。


Presenters will come from uk , us , canada , china and other parts of east and southeast asia to give an international perspective of e - book development in the 21st century . keynote speakers include dr reginald carr , director of university library services and bodleian librarian of the university of oxford , and dr chen li , deputy director of the national library of china 這次研討會的演講者來自英國,美國,加拿大,中國及其他東南亞地區,其中包括牛津大學圖書館總監暨博德利圖書館館長dr reginald carr和中國國家圖書館副館長陳力博士,他們會分享二十一世紀電子書發展的國際展望。

The building which was built with the financial assistance from sir paul chater , professor g . p . jordan and others , was originally designed to house the student union . it was officially opened by the governor , sir reginald stubbs in february 1919 孔慶熒樓是由遮打爵士、佐敦教授及其他人士捐款建成,原用作學生會之用,于一九一九年二月由當時之總督司徒拔爵士正式揭幕。

It was originally designed to house the student union . with the financial support of benefactors such as sir paul chater , the building was finally completed and opened in 1919 by the governor , sir reginald stubbs 孔慶熒樓由遮打爵士佐敦教授及其他人士捐款建成,于1919年由當時之總督司徒拔爵士正式揭幕,原作學生會之用。

Reginald provides a standard language alternative to proprietary tools such as vbscript , and it is nicely documented with examples Reginald為諸如vbscript之類的專用工具提供了一種標準的語言方案,并提供了包含示例在內的良好文檔。

I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former head master , mr reginald page , will is retiring next week 我剛接到母校的一封信,通知我說我的老校長雷金納德?佩奇先生將于下星期退休。

Call me buck , will you ? my name is reginald buchwald but everybody call me buck . it ' s easier 叫我布客就可以了,好嗎?我的全名是雷奇納客.布奇華,但是大家都叫我布客。這樣比較方便。

Call me buck , will you ? my name is reginald buchwald but everybody calls me buck . it ' s easier 叫我布客就可以了。我的全名是雷奇納客?布奇華,但是大家都叫我布客。這樣比較方便。

So , reginald , audrey and nathalie went to find out where the noise was coming from 于是,雷金納德、奧德麗和娜莎麗要去看看到底這個噪音是從哪里傳來的。

Reginald fessenden broadcasts christmas carols on christmas eve from brant rock , ma 雷金納德.埃森頓在圣誕前夜的馬薩諸塞州布然特?洛克廣播圣誕頌歌。

So , reginald made some ladders , and the others caught some snakes 然后,雷金納德做了幾個梯子,其他的動物們抓了幾條蛇。

Reginald : that ' s to stop jumping 就是停止蹦跳。

Reginald in russia and other sketches 里格那得在俄羅斯

Reginald : in fact , we came here to ask you to stop jumping 實事上,我們來這里是要讓你停止蹦跳。

Reginald : if you promise never to jump again 如果你發誓再也不跳了。

- yo . you sure , reginald ? - i ' ll talk to you later , lauri -你確定? -我待會再跟你聊,蘿莉

Yo . you sure , reginald ? - i ' ll talk to you later , lauri 你確定? -我待會再跟你聊,蘿莉

Sir reginald , known to his intimates as porky ' 雷金納德爵士,他的至交都叫他胖子

I have just received a letter from my old school informing me that my former headmaster , mr. reginald page , will be retiring next week . 我剛接到一封母校的來信,通知我老校長里基納德佩奇先生將于下周退休。