
regimentation n.1.【軍事】團的編制。2.編制,類別;組織化,規格化...


Then , how to define entrepreneurs “ abilities , and how to evaluate the abilities correctly and how to represent the managerial value and the role in the society and create a promoting mechanism and developing environment , these are practical and important questions . to be answered timely , this thesis will at first deal with the background of knowledge - economy and up to the theme of the study on entrepreneurs “ abilities , then analyze the advanced theories of entrepreneurs , and make the point of the definition of entrepreneurs “ abilities . on the basis of entrepreneurs “ theories , the thesis establishes a system of entrepreneurs “ abilities and an evaluation system of entrepreneurs “ abilities , and analyzes the problem of ability building . finally , the thesis expounds the strategy and countermeasure of entrepreneurs “ abilities promotion from the environment , mechanism , regimentation and so on 本文首先在知識經濟、人才資源強國的背景下提出企業經營者能力研究的論題;然后對國內外專家學者在企業經營者及企業經營者能力方面的研究現狀及理論前沿進行了探索和概括;為研究企業經營者能力尋找理論依據;接著對所研究的企業經營者及企業經營者能力進行理論上的界定,并構建出企業經營者能力系統和能力評價指標體系;進而對我國企業經營者及他們能力的現狀進行研究,分析了企業經營者能力建設和提升方面存在的問題;最后在充分論證分析的基礎上,從環境、體制和制度建設以及企業經營者本身出發,提出企業經營者能力提升的戰略和對策。

Second , the paper analyses the organization of knowledge management from six aspects , including organizational environment , the structure of organizational hierarchy and the character of network organization , the structure of organizational regimentation and organizational management mechanism , the structure of organizational culture , the mechanism of knowledge innovation and the character of self - organization . based on the above analysis , the author presents his points of view about organization design in the age of knowledge management 其次,本文結合知識管理組織的組織特點,從組織外部環境、組織層級結構和網絡特性、組織制度結構和管理機制、組織文化結構、知識創新機制和自組織性等五個方面對知識管理組織進行組織特性分析,并提出了知識管理時代組織設計的基本要求和原則。

It can be say from the follow point : the public consciousness to the finance expenditure ; the management regimentation of finance expenditure ; the insurance regimentation of finance expenditure and the manipulation regimentation of finance expenditure , so we can find the underlining reasons of this problem 分別從人們對財政支出效益理論認識上、財政支出的管理體制上、財政支出的制度保障上及財政支出運行的機制上進行分析,以探求我國財政支出效益低下的深層次原因。

On the chapter 4 , the paper analyses the organization of knowledge management from eight aspects , including organizational environment , the structure of organizational hierarchy , the character of network organization , the structure of organizational regimentation , organizational management mechanism , the structure of organizational culture , the mechanism of knowledge innovation and the character of self - organization . based on the above analysis , the author presents his points of view 接下來,本文根據組織外部環境的變化情況,延展組織理論的內涵,結合知識管理的基本特征,從外部環境、組織層級結構、組織網絡特性、組織制度結構、組織管理機制、組織文化結構、知識創新機制以及自組織性等八個方面對知識管理組織進行了分析研究,并以筆者的觀點提出了知識管理組織設計的基本要求或原則。

In order to solve this problem , we must develop credit education in college students energetically on the condition of improving the systems of economy , politics , legislation , culture and education ; provide a systematical guarantee for students with construction of regimentation ; construct good outside environment with optimized community environment ; demonstrate credit with enhance the quality of faculty 解決大學生誠信缺失問題的主要措施是在完善我國的經濟、政治、法律和文化體制以及教育體制的前提下,有效開展對大學生的誠信教育;加強制度建馨碩士學位論文masi , er , 51llesis設,給大學生的誠信提供制度保障;優化社會環境,給大學生誠信營造良好的外部條件;加強教師隊伍建設,給大學生提供誠信榜樣示范。

In chapter 4 introducing and commenting on the exerting way , exerting range , exerting conditions and exerting efficacy , then giving some views . in chapter 5 analyzing the action bodies , regimentation , liability lor evidence acceptance and trial of beneficium cedendarum actionum and giving the view boldly 第四章著重闡述了債權人代位權的行使,從債權人代位權的行使方式、行使范圍、行使要件以及行使效力等四個方面濃墨重彩詳加介紹、評判,并提出自己的見解。

Operating super small scale of citrus , single peasant household can not guarantee the quantity , and can not lower production costs effectively . the regimentation degree of the peasant household is very lowly , which is obviously disadvantageous to the peasant . there is antagonistic contradiction between “ small production “ and “ big market “ 對影響我國柑橘產品的直接原因做一個歸納,可以發現我國柑橘對內走的是以增加投入為主的數量擴張型發展道路,對外是單純的低價格競爭,并且這種低價格的競爭并不完全是建立在我國柑橘的低成本上的,而是帶有很大程度無序性的競爭。

The third chapter focuses on the current status of import and export in an hui and the problems it faces . against such problems , the forth chapter points out that the biggest hindrance putting off the development of state - owned foreign trade corporations is the uncertainty of proprietary , which calls for the proprietary reform in accordance with the demand of nowadays proprietary regimentation . the last chapter tables a proposal on the grounds of the small scale and weak competitiveness of an hui “ s state - owned foreign trade corporations , which suggest to establish some large foreign trade conglomerates 本文主要內容安排如下:第一章,將中國外貿體制改革劃分為四個階段進行簡單回顧;第二章,重點分析入世后根據入世協定的要求,我國外貿領域的三項改革舉措及影響;第三章,分析安徽省進出口現狀和省國有外貿企業面臨的問題;第四章,針對國有外貿企業存在的問題,指出產權不清晰是國有外貿企業發展的最大障礙,因此必須按照現代產權制度的要求深化外貿企業的產權改革;第五章,針對我省國有外貿企業規模小、競爭力弱的特點,提出構建安徽省國有外貿集團的主張。

In character recognition , the dissertation classifies the characters of vehicle license plate to two different regimentations : one is the chinese characters , the other is the symbols including alphabetic and digital characters 在字符識別方面,本文將牌照上的字符分為兩大類:漢字和符號(包括英文大寫字母和數字) 。

At first , this thesis outlines the crm system , introduces the conception , function , regimentation and the products of crm , and summarizes the trend of the future crm software product 本文首先從宏觀上對客戶關系管理進行了描述,介紹了crm的概念、功能、分類和商業化的產品,總結出未來實用化的crm商品的發展趨勢。

In the end , this article explores the relations between the functions transition and innovations in the view of setting up new institutions , increasing layers , and innovating regimentation , etc 最后對大學的職能轉變及組織創新,從建立新機構、增加層次、制度創新等角度對它們之間的一般關系進行了理論探索。

The paper suggests the government expand the dimension of classification , adjust regimentation of certain kinds of subjects , and enlarge the scope of classification 為此,建議政府進一步拓展支出分類維度,調整部分科目的類別歸屬,并在條件成熟的時候逐步擴大收支分類的內容范圍。

The material method of the thoughtway is that : the two regimentations use different recognition algorithms 該思想的具體方法是對漢字和字符分別采用不同的識別算法。

On regimentation shareholder voting system and small and medium shareholder voting rights ' s exertion 論類別股東表決制度與中小股東表決權的行使

Officer - in - charge regimentation discipline section 部隊紀律組組長

Head regimentation discipline welfare branch 部隊紀律及福利科科長

Every new political theory, by whatever name it called itself, led back to hierarchy and regimentation . 每種新的政治理論,不論自稱什么名字,都歸于等級制度和嚴格管制。

Discipline without regimentation was miss bulstrode's motto . 既注意紀律,又不造成一律化,這就是布爾斯特羅德小姐的座右銘。

They don't want equality and regimentation . 他們不要一律平等和嚴密的組織。