
regimental adj.【軍事】團的。n.〔pl.〕軍服;特種團隊的軍服...


He felt this at the sight of the regular ranks of the boldly and gaily marching soldiers who were escorting him and the other prisoners ; he felt it at the sight of some important french official in a carriage and pair , driven by a soldier , whom they met on their way . he felt it at the gay sounds of regimental music , which floated across from the left of the meadow ; and he had felt it and realised it particularly strongly from the memorandum the french officer had read in the morning when he called over the prisoners names 他從押解他和其他罪犯的士兵的整隊形精神抖擻心情愉快地行進的樣子看出他從乘坐由一名士兵駕駛的雙套車的某個法國重要文官迎面開來的樣子看得出來,從左邊廣場傳來的軍樂隊的愉快樂曲也使他感到這點,而尤其是,從今天早上前來的法國軍官宣讀囚犯名字的那份名單上更使他明白了這點。

Now group company ' s three big pillar industry : the guarantee profession is grasping realization link bohai sea mayor the extended meeting 12th conference considers through the creation link bohai sea guarantee network bill , has interpolated the tianjin non - to be listed stock : ; the real estate industry is positively operating the tianjin conch shell bay center commerce business district development building items of basic construction , the construction surrounding seas union investment collection regimental head quarter headquarters building , the international commercial port building and the finance guarantee the building , is the collection first - class standard comprehensive commerce business center , the synthesis star class hotel , the office is a body multi - purpose , the high scale , the modernized large - scale commerce building , presently faces the domestic and foreign buying in partner , has set up the tianjin link bohai sea steel unit ' s production craft and the equipment design , the research and development work 現在集團公司的三大支柱產業:擔保行業正在抓緊落實環渤海市長聯席會第十二次會議審議通過的“組建環渤海地區擔保網絡”議案,以參入天津市非上市公司股權流通試點工作,進一步增資擴股;房地產業正在積極操作天津市響螺灣中心商務商業區開發樓宇建設項目,建設環海聯合投資集團總部大廈、國際商務港大廈和金融擔保大廈,是集一流水準的綜合商務商業中心、綜合星級酒店、寫字樓為一體的多功能、高檔次、現代化大型商務樓,現面向國內吸納合作伙伴;組建了天津環渤海鋼鐵工程技術開發有限公司,實施取向硅鋼機組的生產工藝及設備的設計、研發工作。

The dark - skinned , black - haired navajo code talker , huddled over a portable radio or field phone in a regimental , divisional or corps command post , translating a message into navajo as he reads it to his counterpart on the receiving end miles away , has been a familiar sight in the pacific battle zone 那些黃皮膚、黑頭發的納瓦霍族通信兵手提便攜式電臺和步話機隨同團、師、軍級指揮部行動,將指揮部的命令對照著他手頭的“納瓦霍字典”翻譯成納瓦霍語并傳遞到數英里以外的接收方;這已經成為可太平洋戰場上司空見慣的場景。

Article 13 in regard to officers and civilian cadres released from active service to be selected as reserve officers as prescribed in article 10 of this law , the political departments of their military units at or above the regimental level shall raise proposals for transferring them to the reserve of officers , upon the approval of which by the prescribed authorities , they shall make registration as reserve officers with the people ' s armed forces departments at the county level in the localities of their resettlement 第十三條依照本法第十條的規定,從退出現役的軍官和文職干部中選拔的預備役軍官,由部隊團級以上單位政治機關提出轉服軍官預備役的意見,按照規定的權限批準后,到安置地的縣人民武裝部辦理預備役軍官登記。

One party of soldiers trudged off , knee - deep in the snow , into the birch copse , on the right of the village , and the ring of axes and cutlasses , the crash of breaking branches , and the sounds of merry voices were immediately heard coming thence . another group were busily at work all round the regimental baggage - waggons , which were drawn up all together . some fed the horses , while others got out cooking - pots and biscuits 一部份士兵三五成群地分散開來,他們趟過沒膝深的雪地,走進村子右邊的樺樹林中,立刻就聽到了刀砍斧劈的聲音,樹枝折斷的聲音和歡快的說笑的聲音另一部份士兵在團隊的大車和馬匹集中的地方,取出大鍋和面包干,飼喂馬匹第三部分士兵分散到村子里的各個地方,為參謀人員準備住處。

However great a distance he traverses , however strange , unknown , and dangerous the regions to which he penetrates , all about him , as the sailor has the deck and masts and rigging of his ship , he has always everywhere the same comrades , the same ranks , the same sergeant ivan mitritch , the same regimental dog zhutchka , the same officers 無論他走了多么遠的路,無論他進入多么奇怪的人所不知而且危險的緯度地帶,隨時隨地在他周圍出現的總是那些同事那些隊伍那個叫做伊萬米特里奇的上士那只叫做茹奇卡的連隊的軍犬那些首長,就像水兵那樣,隨時隨地在他周圍出現的總是兵船上的那些甲板桅桿和纜繩。

Through the ecological analysis of cities and towns , distribution in west region , the paper pointed out that it is necessary to carry out the ecological distribution , and set up an ecological control project of cities and towns , distribution , which depended on a base of natural eco - space and centered on trunk line of cities to distribute a regimental type of cities , group forming from the economic increase points of every provincial area 摘要通過對西部地區城鎮體系布局進行生態分析,指出進行生態化布局的必要性,構建了以自然生態空間為布局基質,在各省區經濟增長,點發展組團式城鎮群,而各組團城鎮群沿西部城市干線網絡化布局的生態調控方案。

Marya hendrihovna was the wife of the regimental doctor ; a pretty young german woman , whom he had married in poland . either from lack of means or disinclination to part from his young wife in the early days of their marriage , the doctor had brought her with him in the regiment , and his jealousy was a favourite subject for the jibes of the hussars 瑪麗亞亨里霍夫娜是團隊醫生的妻子,是醫生在波蘭娶的一位年輕漂亮的德國女人,醫生不是由于沒有財產,就是因為新婚初期不愿離開年輕的妻子,就帶著她隨軍東奔西走,在驃騎軍官中,醫生的醋意倒成了通常取笑的話題。

When we reached chungyi , battalion commander yuan chung - chuan defected with an infantry company and an artillery company , and though the two companies were brought back , our regimental commander wang erh - cho lost his life in this action 當到崇義時,營長袁崇全率一步兵連一炮兵連叛變,雖然追回了這兩個連,但犧牲了團長王爾琢。

Without boasting , you know , count , i may say i know all the regimental drill - book by heart , and the standing orders , too , i know as i know our father that art in heaven 伯爵,你要知道,我可以毫不夸口地說,我把兵團的命令背得滾瓜爛熟,我把操典也背得滾瓜爛熟,就像背我們在天上的父似的。

Let ' s say a regimental cadre is transferred to a factory - - even a small or medium - sized one , not to mention a big one - - can he serve as a competent leader there 現在一個團的干部到工廠,不要說大工廠,就說中小工廠吧,當個廠的領導行不行?

From the plain beyond the village came the sounds of regimental music , and the roar of a vast multitude , shouting hurrah ! to the new commander - in - chief 從村外的田野里時而傳來軍樂聲,時而傳來歡呼新總司令“烏拉! ”的巨大吼叫聲。

Paying no further attention to balashov , the subaltern began talking with his comrades about regimental matters , without looking at the russian general 士官再也不理巴拉瑟夫,開始與同事們談論自己團隊的事,看也不看俄羅斯將軍。

On active service rostov allowed himself the indulgence of riding a cossack horse instead of the regimental horse , broken in for parade 征途中羅斯托夫無拘無束地不騎戰馬,而騎一匹奇薩克馬。

The regimental adjutant came in and confirmed the news brought by zherkov . they were under orders to advance next day 兵團團部的副官來了,他證明熱爾科夫帶來的消息是可靠的。

The head - steward impressed on pierre generally that all this regimental craze would infallibly bring him to ruin 總之,總管向皮埃爾說明,建立一個團的主意,一定會使他破產。

“ the colonel or commanding officer approves the sentence of a regimental court - martial ” ( charles james ) “上校或指揮軍官同意團隊軍事法庭” (查理斯?詹姆斯) 。

And there ' s more to soldiering than gold braid and regimental dinners 很快就會有更多的大兵物資會開始匱乏

The regimental mascot is a goat 這個團的吉祥物是山羊