
regiment n.1.【軍事】團。2.〔常 pl.〕大群,大量。3.〔...


This volume records the history of the regiment 這部書記錄了該團的歷史。

Half the regiment fell before the enemy onslaught 在敵軍猛攻下,這個團有一半人陣亡了

They ' ll bring two more regiments up here soon 他們很快就會又帶兩個團過來

You can find whole regiments of birds on the islet 在那個小島上你可以看到成群的鳥。

He long extended his regard to our no . 6 tank regiment 賀龍慰問我們坦克六團

The regiment disbanded when the war was over 戰爭結束后,這個團就解散了。

I am ordering the regiment to move against katsumoto 我下令軍隊去對付勝本

Our regiment will garrison the town next month 我們的團隊下個月將會駐守這個城鎮。

The officer detached a regiment this morning 這位軍官今天上午派遣了一個團的兵力。

That autumn he was placed in command of a regiment 那年秋天他被任命為團長。

The regiment was situated on both sides of the highway 坦克團被部署在公路的兩側。

It ' s this song . i worked in art regiment before 就是這個歌我是在藝術團里工作過的

I ' ve been enlisted in a regiment in the north of england 我在北英格蘭被應征入伍

In the regiment they called me the little hawk “綽號小雄鷹,軍隊里這么叫我。

No , prince , our regiment has gone to the front “不,公爵。我們的兵團出動了。

To accommodate the regiments of miners, carston, waite and co. built the squares, great quadrangles of dwellings on the hillside of bestwood, and then, in the brook valley, on the site of hell row, they erected the bottoms . 卡遜一魏特公司為了安置大批礦工,蓋起了好幾個居民區,在貝斯伍德山腳下形成了一個個大四方院,后來又在小河谷地獄街的廢墟上,建立了陸地區。

In my late regiment if a young officer turned up like that, the other subalterns would bloody well have cut his hair for him . 在我原來那個團里,如果一個青年軍官這個模樣,部下死活也要把他的頭發剪短的。

About 100 troops from the second armored regiment attacked the presidential palace and the defence ministry in santiago . 第二裝甲團的一百來名士兵襲擊了圣地亞哥的總統府和國防部。

Our honest captain had been promoted in consequence of the death of the second major of the regiment on the field . 自從聯隊里的下級少佐陣亡之后,我們老實的上尉就升上去補了缺。