
regimen n.1.【醫學】攝生,食物療法,養生法;(給病人等特定的...


A randomly controlled experiment of two glucocorticoid regimens in treatment of children with primary nephrotic syndrome 大劑量環磷酰胺沖擊治療小兒腎病綜合征近期療效

Clinical observation of kang ' ai injection combined with np regimen in the treatment of advanced non - small cell lung cancer 方案化療治療晚期非小細胞肺癌的臨床觀察

Preliminary outcome for patients with relapsed or resistant advanced non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma treated by epoch regimen 方案治療復發和耐藥中高度惡性非霍奇金淋巴瘤

My doctor suggested i start using insulin . will i be able to handle this regimen at my age 問:我的醫生建議我開始打胰島素了。在我現在的年齡我能夠自己來操作嗎?

Pimple products in the pipeline combine several medicines to make regimens easier on the patient 治療丘疹的產品和其他藥物一起使用可以使患者的療法更加簡單。

Df chemotherapy regimen combined with thermotherapy treated with advanced and medium esophageal carcinoma of 22 cases 方案化療聯合熱療治療中晚期食管癌22例

Please make sure to consult a health medical professional before starting a new fitness regimen 要開始一個新的健康療法時,請一定要先咨詢健康醫療專業人員。

Lists symptoms , causes , types , risk factors , management , complications , and discusses diet regimen -介紹糖尿病常識并發癥性孕育治療肥胖相關治療產品。

Efficacy of modified bfm - 90 regimen on children and adolescents with t cell lymphoblastic lymphoma : a report of 20 cases 高度惡性非霍奇金淋巴瘤的初步觀察

Booster dose is usually not required for those who have completed a standard three - dose regimen 按以上程序完成三次注射的人通常無須再接受加強劑注射。

The researchers made these findings : the presence of growth hormone varied with the training regimen 研究者發現:生長激素隨著訓練的變化表現發生變化。

Efficacy of regimens containing ofloxacin with varied courses on coal worker ' s pneumoconio - tuberculosis 不同療程含氧氟沙星方案對煤工塵肺結核療效觀察

In practice the focus is often on the medicine without consideration of the other aspects of the regimen 實踐中,處方藥通常關注其治療作用而非其他。

Since his surgery eric has remained healthy , and has a strict diet and fitness regimen 自從手術以來埃里克一直保持健康,擁有嚴格的飲食和健康養生。

The observation of intensive treatment with rom regimen in multibacillary leprosy with high bacterial loads 強化治療35例高菌量多菌型麻風的臨床觀察

Can drug regimen changes prevent seizures in patients with apparently drug - resistant epilepsy 改變藥物配方能防止明顯耐藥性癲癇患者的癇性發作嗎

One week triple - therapy regimen of ranitidine bismuth citrate in the eradication of helicobacter pylori 瑞倍三聯1周療法根除幽門螺桿菌的臨床研究

Efficacy of three regimens of nip in the treatment of 72 patients with non - small cell lung cancer 紫杉醇聯合順鉑治療晚期食管癌近期臨床觀察

After operation , patients need to adopt a new diet regimen on the dietitian s advice 手術后,病人須在營養師的指導下重新調理飲食習慣。