
regime n.1.制度,社會組織;政權,政體;統治(時期)。2.管...


Low taxes and a simple , predictable tax regime 低稅率,稅制簡單,透明度高。

Proposed measures to rationalise the regulatory regime 強化監管機制的建議措施

The liao dynasty ' s policies of containment on xixia regime 試論遼對西夏的遏制政策

The baby ' s regime included two naps a day 這嬰兒的生活規律包括一天小睡兩次。

Research on the value of bankruptcy regime . zhang chen ying 破產制度價值研究張晨穎

Revenue production , transaction costs and constitutional regime 交易費用與憲政體制

The decadent puppet regime was falling apart 那個腐朽的傀儡政權正在土崩瓦解。

American hegemony : an analysis from the perspective of regime 一種制度的分析視角

Reform of rmb exchange rate regime and its implications 人民幣匯率改革及其影響

Iv transition to a more risk - based supervisory regime 過渡至以風險為本的監管制度

Y9303 flow regime type medium voltage conveying device Y9303流態式中壓壓送裝置

Several rich families have propped up the regime 幾個富豪家族為那個政權撐腰。

With a regime that amnesty international condemns .和遭大赦國際組織譴責的政權

We have no evidence of what would happen if transfers were made between high elevational regions but vastly different day-length regimes . 假如引種是在熱帶高海拔地區之間進行,只是日照長短的系統有很大改變,究竟會有什么情況發生,現在還沒有證據。

Of course, we knew it would be difficult to fight a battle with a navy bobbing about on the ocean against a shore-based fascist regime . 當然,我們知道,一支在海上漂來漂去的海軍同在海岸集結法西斯政權的軍隊打仗,困難是無法估量的。

Rifled or other pipe wall corrugation may change the flow from a hetero-generous to a homogeneous regime by introducing a secondary circulation . 在有來復線的或其它的管壁皺紋的管中,由于引起副流,可能將非均質流轉變為均質流。

That will force the russians, as always, to respond, and “provoke an end to the long regime of peaceable toleration of satellites“ . 這將迫使俄國人和以往一樣作出反應,從而“促使長期以來太平無事地容忍人造衛星的局面結束”。

The free-bound continuum is strongest in the optical regime, whereas the free-free continuum dominates in the radio and infrared regimes . 自由-束縛連續輻射在光學波段最強,自由-自由連續輻射主要在射電和紅外波段。

In contrast stands a record of fraud and corruption in high places during the brief harding regime unparalleled since the grant era . 而哈定短命政權中的高級官吏們舞弊和貪污的記錄,則是格蘭特時代以來所未有的。