
reggae n.【音樂】一種源出西印度群島,帶有勃魯斯音樂成分的,節...


Woodie alan beijing ' s premier blues and jam band , is a collaboration of five chinese and american musicians , resulting in a powerful amalgamation of sound . + upsteppers a 13 piece roots rock reggae collective 北京首席的布魯斯和即興樂隊,五個中國和一個美國音樂家的合作,創造出充滿能量的音樂。

Dance the summer heat away with cool drink specials and live reggae . taipei ' s weekly reggae party ! couple ' s get $ 100 beers all night long . don ' t miss out 夏天的夜晚只有島國風情音樂才能趕走燥熱的高溫!六月起每周三巴西風情的雷鬼派對將讓你的快樂周末提早展開.音樂果醬跟著熱鬧展開

He might have sung zulu township jive all his life , if he had not felt compelled to give “ a message ” to the world for which reggae was his ideal language 如果他沒有被人逼得要向全世界傳達“訊息” ,以表示雷蓋是他最理想的語言,他這一生本可以唱一些祖魯都市搖擺樂。

It all started in the poorest neighborhoods of new york city in the 1970s , when jamaican dj kool herc created rap by speaking words over reggae beats 嘻哈始于20世紀70年代紐約市最貧窮的社區,當時一位牙買加dj庫爾?賀克隨著雷蓋音樂的節奏念出歌詞,從而發明了饒舌樂。

Do you want to enjoy reggae music in a brand new cool bar ? do you like rastafari culture ? are you into dreadlocks , bob marley and jamaican lifestyle 你是否曾經聽說過一種音樂叫做“雷鬼” ,也許你知道,但是你是否知道“雷鬼文化”背后隱藏的幾千年的故事?

Jamaica s vibrant cultural tradition and its popular music , reggae , has won international acclaim . the hon 牙買加充滿活力的文化傳統和流行音樂“雷擊”贏得了世界各地的掌聲。

I listen to all types of music , but before a game i like to listen to a mixture of rap , alternative , and reggae 我聽音樂的所有類型,但是在一場比賽之前我比較喜歡聽打擊樂。

He plays many styles ? classical , jazz , gospel , reggae ? and all of them well 他會彈許多類型的音樂? ?古典、爵士、福音、雷鬼? ?而且都彈得很好。

All my buddies who are into reggae wear colorful hats and have long hair 我所有喜歡瑞格音樂的伙伴都帶著顏色鮮艷的帽子,留著長頭發。

Right below the reggae tribute . look at that 就在牙買加音樂頌辭這行字下面你看那兒