
regenerator n.1.(使)新生的人[物]。2.更新者;改革者。3.【...


This paper analyzed the heat exchange between ceramic honeycomb regenerator and gas , and established a heat transfer process mathematical model for ceramic honeycomb regenerator 摘要分析了高風溫燃燒系統中陶瓷蜂窩蓄熱體和氣體間的熱量交換,建立了陶瓷蜂窩蓄熱體傳熱過程數學模型。

Macadamia nut oil acts as a skin cell regenerator . it is similar to sebum produced by human skin and is easily absorbed . it also serves as a water barrier for our bodies 昆士蘭果油夏威夷果油含極高的油酸,可防止氧化,令肌膚細胞重生,它與人體的皮脂相似,所以很易被皮膚吸收。

And also , the dynamic simulative models of compression chamber , hot chamber , cold chamber , connecting hose and regenerator were built and calculated using the node analytical method 根據熱力學性質,制冷機可分為:壓縮腔、室溫腔、膨脹腔、連接管和回熱器五個部分。

The shape of rotary - switching regenerator is similar to the rotary regenerator , but its intermittent running is different from the rotary regenerator ' s continuous running 對檔位蓄熱器的基本工作原理、具體設計方案、實驗研究及應用前景進行了詳細介紹。

A new technology for improving hot blast temperature and decreasing fuel consumption with high emissivity coating on the regenerator of blast furnace ( bf ) hot stove were introduced 摘要介紹一種可以進一步提高熱風爐熱風溫度,降低燃料消耗的新技術。

It can be concluded that preparation of coating on heat regenerator surface provides a new practical and operable technology for energy saving in steel industry 高發射率涂層技術為鋼鐵企業節能降耗提供實用且可行的新技術。

389 the distilling column ( absorber , column evaporator , regenerator , column washer ) is a kind of equipment for outdoor installation 蒸餾塔(吸收塔、蒸發柱、再生塔、洗滌塔)是藝術一種室外安裝的確是的設備。

The experimental result show that the temperature efficiency of rotary - switch regenerator is about 88 % and the thermal efficiency is about 77 % 實驗研究的結果證明該蓄熱器的溫度效率可達88 % ,熱效率可達77 % 。

389 the distilling column ( absorber , column evaporator , regenerator , column washer ) is a kind of equipment for outdoor installation 蒸餾塔(吸收塔、蒸發柱、再生塔、洗滌塔)是一種室外安裝的設備。

A new regenerator , rotary - switching regenerator , is developed in this paper for the applications in htac 摘要研究開發了一種可應用在高溫空氣燃燒( htac )技術中的新型蓄熱器檔位蓄熱器。

All of the mass and energy in the main fractionator system are supplied to the system by the reactor and regenerator 主分餾器里所有的反應物和能量都是由反應堆和交流熱換器提供的。

Study on the distributor law of entrainment particles in the dilute phase of turbulent fluidized beds of fcc regenerator 湍流流化床稀相區夾帶顆粒粒度分布規律的研究

Study on dynamic characteristics of circular tube and screen - packed regenerator subjected to oscillating flow 圓管及網格填料回熱器非定常交變流動阻力特性的研究

Specification for construction and acceptance of reactor - regenerator system equipment of catalytic cracking unit 催化裂化裝置反應再生系統設備施工及驗收規范

In addition , the regenerator and the orifice are the main components where exergy losses exist 分析結果為脈管制冷機的進一步優化指明了改進途徑。

Experimental investigation on dynamic character of thermoacoustic system and parameter of regenerator 回熱器參數與熱聲系統動態特性的實驗研究

The simulation with simple harmonic analysis on the performance of a regenerator was carried out 摘要采用諧波分析法,對回熱器進行了模擬。

Regenerator is a crucial component in the liquid desiccant air conditioning system 摘要再生器是溶液除濕空調系統中的重要傳熱傳質部件。

Theoretical analysis of oscillating flow process in regenerator of pulse tube refrigerator 脈沖管制冷機蓄冷器中交變流動過程理論分析