
regeneration n.1.再生,新生。2.悔悟。3.改造,革新。4.回收。...


Formation and regeneration of protoplasts of chaetomium globosum 球毛殼菌原生質體形成與再生研究

Platelet rich plasma and bone regeneration 富血小板血漿與骨再生

Isis is the queen of all regeneration 伊希絲是所有再生的王后。

Establishment of plant regeneration from leaves explants of rosa hybrida 葉片植株再生體系的建立

Regeneration of spent electroless ni - cu - p plating bath 玻璃纖維化學鍍鎳鈷磷合金廢液的處理與回用

Regeneration of refrigerator - cooled cryopumps 制冷機低溫泵的再生

Regeneration from hypocotyl explants of date plum diospyros oleifera 油柿下胚軸再生植株的培養

Restoration re + co + ve + ry increases life and chi regeneration 復原增加生命,提高生命回復速度。

Regeneration and application of fc - 18 catalyst 18催化劑的再生利用

Concentration : increases driver condition regeneration rate :增加車手狀態量的回復速度。

Regeneration technique of wool keratin 羊毛角朊蛋白的再生利用技術

Experimental study on electric regeneration of ion exchange resin 離子交換樹脂電再生實驗研究

We ' re seeing similar cellular regeneration 我們正在觀察類細胞再生

Protoplast preparation and regeneration of aspergillus oryzae 3 042原生質體制備和再生的研究

Study on regeneration of ureaformaldehyde gel 脲醛樹脂凝膠再生研究

Regeneration of peach plantlet from callus derived from explant 桃離體組織分化再生植株的研究

Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of eucalyptus urophylla 尾葉桉的組織培養及植株再生

Deactivation and regeneration of hydrocracking catalyst 幾種加氫裂化催化劑的失活與再生研究

Regeneration of the old community in chongqing lower urban area 重慶下半城舊城居住區的再生