
regency n.1.攝政;攝政期間;攝政管轄區;攝政權;攝政團。2....


Notwithstanding these claims , del carmen amassed debts exceeding us 200 , 000 at the hyatt regency hotel in hong kong and us 300 , 000 to a security firm in new york and repeatedly bounced personal cheques for insufficient funds 雖然他自稱身家豐厚,卻欠下香港凱悅酒店逾二十萬美元及紐約某證券行逾三十萬美元的債項,而他個人簽發的支票,也常常因存款不足而被退票。

Add : no . 110 hong kong road , qingdao 266071 , china the grand regency hotel is a 40 - minute drive from the airport . less than 30 - minutes by car from the railway station -青島雅海閣大酒店是一家按照國家三星級標準建設的商務酒店,地處中外聞名的棧橋海濱風景區,毗鄰著名的中山路商業區,火車站青島港近在咫尺,地理位置得天獨厚,交通便利快捷。

On the evening of february 22 , 1994 , the supreme master ching hai , a world spiritual leader from formosa , received the “ world spiritual leadership award “ at the hyatt regency hotel in chicago 世界精神領袖,來自福爾摩沙的清海無上師,于一九九四年二月二十二日晚間,在芝加哥海亞( hyatt )大飯店接受世界精神領袖獎。

On the evening of february 22 , 1994 , the supreme master ching hai , a world spiritual leader from formosa , received the “ world spiritual leadership award “ at the hyatt regency hotel in chicago 世界精神領袖,來自福爾摩沙的清海無上師,于一九九四年二月二十二日晚間,在芝加哥海亞( hyatt )大飯店接受世界精神領袖獎。

On the evening of february 22 , 1994 , the supreme master ching hai , a world spiritual leader from formosa , received the “ world spiritual leadership award “ at the hyatt regency hotel in chicago 世界精神領袖,來自福爾摩沙的清海無上師,于一九九四年二月二十二日晚間,在芝加哥海亞hyatt大飯店接受世界精神領袖獎。

Guangdong regency hotel zhuhai intro the guangdong regency hotel zhuhai is located at the crossroads of yuehai road east and lianhua lu of zhuhai city with convenient transportation linkage 珠海粵海酒店聳立于珠海市拱北繁華的拱北商貿區,位于粵海東路與蓮花路交匯處,交通便利,與澳門咫尺之隔,南海美景一覽無遺。

In addition , 700 bogus federal reserve notes in denominations of 100 million and 500 million were seized from the presidential suite at the hyatt regency hotel in hong kong where del carmen had been living 此外,在del carmen曾居住過的香港凱悅酒店總統套房內,共搜出七百張面額一億美元及五億美元的假聯邦儲備券。

“ i knew there were smugglers , but i thought that since the capture of algiers , and the destruction of the regency , pirates existed only in the romances of cooper and captain marryat . “我知道確實有走私販子,但我想,自從阿爾及爾被攻克,攝政制度被摧毀以來,海盜只是庫柏和瑪里亞特上尉的傳奇小說中的人物了吧。 ”

In late 1999 tisoni and his boss edilberto marcos marcos , who claimed to be the son of the late ferdinand marcos , ex - president of the philippines , checked into the hyatt regency hotel in hong kong 一九九九年年尾, tisoni和他的老板-艾迪拔圖馬可斯,后者聲稱為已故菲律賓前總統馬可斯的兒子-下榻于香港海逸酒店。

The grand regency hotel , the first 5 star hotel in the shandong province , features impressive european architecture and interior design and is ideally located in the eastern downtown area of qingdao 青島麗晶大酒店青島麗晶大酒店地處青島市東部商業區中心,依山傍海,交通便利,系山東省首家五星級大酒店。

This position is considered a regency by the salamanders , who believe that one day vulkan will return to lead the chapter in a great campaign to conquer chaos 他們一直保留著軍團長的位置因為他們一直堅信他們傳奇般的軍團長凡爾康會在征服混沌叛徒的大遠征中重新回到他們身邊。

We warmly welcome you to enjoy sichuan , cantonese and the local cuisine in the regency food plaza , and our international buffet or a la carte menu in the rose garden caf 麗晶食街為您提供川菜創新粵菜各種風味美食及夜茶玫瑰園咖啡廳薈萃中西自助美食及豐富的零點菜單。

He has a strong hospitality background with over 20 years extensive experience holding senior positions in hyatt regency and mandarin oriental 他擁有超過二十年的豐富飲食業經驗, ?于香港文華東方酒店和凱悅酒店擔任要職。

In this story of romance and intrigue , set in the regency period , an earl needs a female to pose as his fianc 這部描寫愛情與陰謀的小說,以(英國)攝政時期為背景,講述了一位伯爵要找一個女子來假扮他的未婚妻。

Located in the business and shopping district , the hyatt regency xi an kaiyue fandian is easily accessible and very convenient 桂林金大酒店隸屬林氏集團金有限責任公司,是一家旅游涉外酒店。

The grand regency hotel is within walking distance from the seaside with its magnificent beaches and mountain views 麗晶大酒店擁有得天獨厚的山景和海景房,從酒店出發,步行可及海灘。

Bus stops : the kowloon hotel hyatt regency hong kong great eagle hotel royal pacific hotel china macau ferry terminal 車站位置:九龍酒店/凱悅酒店/鷹君酒店/皇家太平洋酒店&中港碼頭

Add : east jinsha road , shantou 515041 , china regency hotel shantou is located 11kms from the airport 富麗堂皇的中菜廳及多功能宴會廳,完全可以滿足任何場合之需要。

Hong kong dragon airlines ltd , suite a4 - 5 , regency square , 168 monireth road , phnom penh , cambodia 柬埔寨金邊市莫尼歷大道168號麗景廣場a4 - a5室