
regatta n.1.(威尼斯大運河上舉行的)狹長平底船的比賽。2.賽...


In order to catch up with others coastal cities , and to play its leading role in shandong province in the opening - up to the outside world , qingdao must seize the opportunity of holding the 2008 beijing olympic sailing regatta , restructure its development strategy , innovate its development thinking , break through the systematic restrictions in introducing foreign capital , and develop its service industry to a new platform 為了趕超其他沿海城市,進一步凸顯在山東對外開放的龍頭地位,青島市必須緊緊抓住2008年協辦北京奧運這一難得機遇,迅速調整發展戰略,果斷創新發展思路,努力突破引進外資的體制性制約,將青島服務業推向一個新的發展平臺。

Count bennigsen , who had land in the vilna province , offered his house in the outskirts for this fte , and the 13th of june was the day fixed for a ball , a dinner , with a regatta and fireworks at zakreta , count bennigsens suburban house 伯尼格森伯爵,一位維爾納省的地主,為這次慶祝會提供了他自己郊外的別墅,這樣,六月十三日,在伯尼格森伯爵的郊外別野扎克列特舉行舞會宴會劃船賽和焰火晚會的事被定下來。

Please remind your crews of this very strictly enforced rule : unsportsmanlike conduct - the crew of any competitor caught stealing or engaging in any unsportsmanlike conduct will , at the discretion of the regatta committee , be disqualified 請提醒你的全體乘務員這條很嚴格地強制的規則:不光明正大的行為-任何競爭者的全體乘務員抓住了偷或從事任何不光明正大的行為愿望,依據見解賽船會委員會,被無資格。

Head of the fish regatta - directions to lees park ( from north or south ) : take exit 14 off of interstate 87 , take a left and proceed approx . 1 1 / 2 miles on route 9p ( union ave ) through lights , over the bridge and take your first left 一些魚賽船會-到庇護的方向停車(從諾思或南方) :脫掉出口14州際87 ,拿左并且繼續通過燈的線路9p (聯合街)上的約11 / 2英里,在橋上并且拿你的第一左。

The first official regatta was held in 1812 , and then 14 years later , on august 10th in 1826 , the royal yacht squadron formally organized three days of racing in the waters of the solent 1812年,官方舉辦了第1屆賽舟會, 14年后的1826年的8月10日,這個賽舟會得以正式確立,那天也是皇家快艇隊在索倫特河比賽后的第3天。

This head - to - head system means that up to 100 races take place on some of the five days . the numbers are gradually dwindled down until finals day , which takes place on the last day of the regatta 多場比賽。隨著比賽的進行,因選手逐一被淘汰,參賽隊伍將越來越少,而優勝者也將在比賽的最后一天產生。

Just as with henley regatta wimbledon is a quintessentially english summer event and for some reason is now heavily associated with the eating of strawberries and cream 就像亨利皇家賽舟會一樣,溫布爾登網球公開賽是一項經典的英格蘭夏日活動,而且,它與草莓和奶油的食用有著很大的關系。

America , under dick brown ' s command , pilot from new york , set out for england in june 1851 to take part in the regatta which was to be held on the 22nd of augest around the isle of wight 在迪克?布朗的指揮下,美利堅號離開美國前往英國參加于1851年8月22日在懷特島舉行的賽船會。

It is situated in the commercial , financial , entertainment and shopping center of qingdao , overlooking the sail regatta venue of the 2008 olympic game 除了提供全的商務設備周到的會議及客房服務之外,酒店更有完善的休閑娛樂設施,使酒店成為舉辦商務會議和休閑度假的理想圣地。

Toronto is one of the hottest cities for dragon boat racing , home of over 20 , 000 dragon boaters racing in many festivals and regattas throughout the year 多倫多是為龍船跑的最熱的城市之一,在整個一年在許多節日和賽船會跑的超過20 , 000個龍劃船者的家。

The 23rd annual head of the fish regatta features a 2 . 5 mile course , co - hosted by the saratoga springs rowing club and the saratoga rowing association 魚賽船會的第23年度頭展示2 . 5英里功課,到劃劃船的俱樂部和薩拉托加的薩拉托加彈簧共同招待協會。

The hammersmith regatta race is run by an independent committee under ara rules and water safety code . it is a free start , 1400 meters with the tide 鐵匠賽船會賽跑被一個獨立委員會在ara規則和水安全代碼下面運用。它是免費開始,有潮的1400米。

The annual head of the fish regatta features a 2 . 5 mile course , co - hosted by the saratoga springs rowing club and the saratoga rowing association 魚賽船會的年度頭展示2 . 5英里功課,到劃劃船的俱樂部和薩拉托加的薩拉托加彈簧共同招待協會。

We will also continue with our corporate challenge cup in june , our 4th annual dragon boat regatta in july and our club challenge in september 我們將也在9月在6月,我們在7月的第4年度龍船賽船會和我們的俱樂部挑戰繼續我們的社團的挑戰杯。

When you got the form be signed after the measure , please return the forms to me and i will give you all the things you need for the regatta 當你丈量完,在表上得到簽字后就將這些表格交回這里,我會把你比賽所需要的東西給你。

Check out previous years list of flying scot regattas for results and regattas not yet listed for approximate dates and contact information 檢查為還沒為近似日期和聯系信息列出的結果和賽船會飛斯科特賽船會的以前的年表。

With unique natural environment and great cultural diversity , qingdao has become the host city for the sailing regatta of 29th olympic games 憑借得天獨厚的自然環境和文化底蘊,青島成為第29屆奧運會帆船比賽舉辦城市。

There are 19 titles competed for in total . the most prized is the grand challenge cup for eights , which dates from the first year of the regatta 個獎項,其中最大的獎項是從第一屆賽舟會就已設立的“八人組優勝杯” 。

Official site with details of the latest regatta , shop , and archives . held in henley on thames , oxfordshire , england 有最近的賽船會,商店,和檔案的細節的正式地點。在泰晤士河控制了亨德森,牛津夏州,英格蘭。