
regardless adj.1.不重視的,不尊敬的;不注意的,不留心的,不顧...


Regardless , we should eliminate all possibility 不管怎樣,我們應該除去任何可能性。

If disabled , no pages are cached regardless of the 如果禁用,則無論是否使用

We will persevere regardless of past failures 盡管以前我們失敗過,但仍要堅持下去

For a script to work as intended , regardless of the 為使腳本按預期運行,不管

Affect the entire file , regardless of the range specified by 指定的范圍如何,

We will do it regardless of what might happen 不管情況怎樣,我們決意這樣做。

Rats steal things out at night , no one regardless 夜里老鼠出來偷東西,誰也不管。

The plane will take off , regardless of the weather 不管天氣好壞,飛機都將起飛。

They decorated the house regardless of the cost 他們裝飾了房子,不顧及費用。

Identity , regardless of the identity of the request 標識運行,與請求的標識無關。

I ' m buying the book , regardless of the cost 不管價錢如何,我都打算買下那本書。

We will go on regardless of past failures 盡管以前我們失敗過,但仍要堅持下去

Parameter to weak , regardless of its reference count 時,重置要進行引用計數的

Keywords are not translated , regardless of locale 。無論區域設置如何,都不翻譯

Keyword is not translated regardless of the locale 無論區域設置如何,都不翻譯

You are in my mind forever , regardless where i am 我用永遠記住你,不論我在哪里

Careless fellow as i am, i am not so indifferent, mrs. bounderby, as to be regardless of this vice in your brother, or inclined to consider it a venial offence . 我雖然是個馬馬虎虎的人,龐得貝太太,但是不至于漠不關心到那種程度,竟注意不到令弟的這種壞處,認為那是一種輕微可以饒恕的過錯。

The granulomatous lesions, regardless of location, result in enlargement of the part and often encroachment on adjacent tubular of cavernous structures . 在不引人注意的部位,肉芽腫的損害導致局部腫大,并往往侵害鄰近的管狀或腔狀結構。

However, it is not considered improper in any way for any person to do his own daily tasks at home, regardless of his occupation . 一個人不管的它有什么職業,如果自己動手做家務,絕對不會被人認為有什么不對的。