
regardful adj.1.對…留心,注意周到,謹慎 (of)。2.表示...


How to treat with the results of feasibility research reports , how the marketing to be changing , what being the key point of influencing the benefit and how about the income from investments are regardful of enterprise . the defectiveness of an enterprise can be uncovered by appraising the execution of investment , the analyzing of marketing information and the benefit of managing the project being brought into production . on the base of this , what should be advocated and what is the emphasis in investment decision can be submitted , meanwhile , the basis of analyzing the reasonableness of production scale and investment scale can be found 此項目投資效益的虛實?均是企業當前關心的問題。通過對項目的投資執行情況、市場信息分析及對企業項目投產后技術和經營效益的經濟分析,可以發現存在的各種問題,從而為今后在投資決策時應該提倡什么,側重什么,為分析生產規模的合理性以及所需投資規模提供現實依據。

If mrs. sparsit had a failing in her association with that domestic establishment, it was that she was so excessively regardless of herself and regardful of others, as to be a nuisance . 斯巴塞太太在跟這個家庭的關系上要是有什么缺點可言,那就是她一點也不關切她自己而對別人非常關切,甚至關切到使人討厭的地步。

While in france the renaissance was eminently aristocratic, in england it was always regardful of the masses . 在法國,文藝復興主要是貴族的事情,在英國,文藝復興始終和人民大眾密切相關。