
regard n.1. 注重,注意,留意;考慮,關心 (to); 注目...


Marijuana is usually regarded as a soft drug . 大麻通常被看作是毒性較輕的麻醉毒品。

He regarded the bad weather as a prognostic of failure . 他將壞天氣視為失敗的預兆。

I caught a dreadful cold, but that i did not regard . 我得了重傷風,但是我不在乎。

They have always regarded the russians with suspicion . 他們一向對俄國人懷有戒心。

With kind regards , yours sincerely ! 謹此致意,敬上。

The semi drunk man regarded them with fishy eyes . 那個半醉漢迷迷糊糊地看著他們。

I have nothing to say with regard to your complaints . 對于你的投訴,我無可奉告。

Do n't regard fantasies as truth . 不要把幻想看成事實。

Fulminic acid can be regarded as the simplest oxime . 雷酸可以看作是最簡單的肟。

I have to regard your wishes in all matters . 在所有事情上,我應該尊重你的意見。

They regard the problem as no worth to consider . 對這一問題他們都認為不屑一顧。

Nobody regards pullman as a real home . 沒有一個人把普爾曼城看成是自己真正的家。

Give my regards to mr. and mrs. jones and family . 代我向瓊斯夫婦及其子女問好。

Please give my best regards to him . 請代我向他請安問好。

We may also regard this as a mapping procedure . 我們也把這個過程稱為映射過程。

She is generally regarded as a nuisance . 大家都很討厭她。

The matter does not regard you at all . 這事和你毫無關系。

He is very sensitive in this regard . 他在這方面非常敏感。

I regarded him with high interest . 我非常有趣地打量著他。