
regalia n.〔pl.〕1.王室徽章;王位的標記〔王冠、王節、寶劍...


Regalia jing an offers you simple and convenient access to the heart of shanghai . whether for a quick stop at a cafe or for a leisurely shopping excursion , you are never more than five minutes away from the most vibrant areas of lively shanghai 上海御庭酒店式公寓座落于靜安寺區陜西北路與安遠路交接處緊鄰著名的玉佛寺,鬧中取靜,交通順暢,離南京西路5分鐘。

The excavators provide a detailed description of the lubo illustrations in their excavation report , but they do not provide a rigorous examination of the items of regalia arid so cannot fully back up their hypothesis 對于其中的鹵簿圖,發掘者在《磁縣灣漳北朝壁畫墓》中作了很詳細的描繪,只是未及進一步的定名研究,因此它的意義尚未能充分彰顯出來。

Ramesses , wearing the so - called war blue crown and full royal regalia , and seated on a cushioned backless chair ; addresses his nobles and great officials on the circumstances of the conflict to be expected at qadesh 帶著蘭色皇冠全副武裝的拉美西斯二世,坐在沒有靠背的墊子椅上,正在向高級軍官講解即將在卡疊石展開的戰爭情勢。

They tramped gayly along , over decaying logs , through tangled underbrush , among solemn monarchs of the forest , hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape - vines 他們信步走去,一路跨朽木,涉雜林,穿過高大的樹木林,這些大樹披垂著一根根葡萄藤,好像王冠上垂下來的流蘇。

The author examines the illustrated regalia in the light of textual records and reveals that these items conform to ritual prescriptions 本文以此鹵簿圖與文獻記載相對照,發現二者多有契合無間之例,如相風?單罕、 ?鼓等,且其中不少可以見出淵源與流變。

A peacock , perhaps competing with the surrounding flora , struts in full regalia amid the roses and manicured hedges of an english garden 在一個修剪精美的英國花園里,一只孔雀在玫瑰從中盛屏綻放,可能在與周圍的花媲美。

The norwegian diving platform “ regalia “ at the scene of the sunken kursk submarine in the arctic barents sea on sunday 挪威籍的瑞加利亞號潛水平臺周日架設在庫爾斯克號潛艇所沉沒的北冰洋巴倫支海中。

Sometimes his hopes ran high - so high that he would venture to get out his regalia and practise before the lookingglass 有時,他的希望似乎觸手可及他甚至大膽地拿出他的綬帶,對著鏡子自我演示一番。

Regalia serviced residence shanghai : hotels in shanghai , shanghai accommodation rooms , china discount reservation 在線上海御庭國際公寓預訂系統,免費提供上海御庭國際公寓優惠預訂

Tom joined the new order of cadets of temperance , being attracted by the showy character of their “ regalia . 湯姆被少年節制會的漂亮“綬帶”吸引住了,就加入了該新組織。

Regalia - pitt street , yau ma tei 爵士花園-油麻地碧街

Deluxe single suite regalia serviced residence shanghai reservation 豪華單人套房,上海御庭國際公寓預訂

Deluxe twin suite regalia serviced residence shanghai reservation 豪華雙人套房,上海御庭國際公寓預訂

Meggie was so against a fuss she even refused to wear bridal regalia . 麥琪大力反對鋪張,甚至拒絕穿華麗的新婚禮服。