
regale vt.盛宴招待,款待;使歡悅,使快樂;使心滿意足 (wi...


Each stalk served as a perch for a grasshopper , which regaled the passers by through this egyptian scene with its strident , monotonous note . for about seven or eight years the little tavern had been kept by a man and his wife , with two servants , - a chambermaid named trinette , and a hostler called pecaud 但這些麥莖,卻方便了無數的蟬娘,它們隨著那些不幸的拓荒者一同來到這片荒地上,經過百拆不撓的奮斗以后,在這些發育不健全的園藝標本間定居下來,用它們那單調刺耳的叫聲追逐著來到這里的。

It was very hot ; the servant was carrying away piles of dirty plates with a strong scent of boiled fowl and rice , while the four gentlemen had ended by regaling quite half a dozen couples with capital wine in the hope of making them tipsy and hearing some pretty stiffish things 餐廳里很熱,散發著一股濃烈的雞肉米飯氣味,女招待把一摞摞盤子端走,那四個無拘無束的漢子已經給六對女人灌了美酒,他們一心想把她們灌醉,好聽聽她們酒后講些不堪入耳的臟話。

He said to the sweeper : “ as you have been feasting one of your senses with the odor of this man ' s meat , it is only fair that you should make him some recompense ; therefore you shall , in your turn , regale one of his senses , which seems to be more insatiable than your appetite 既然你的一個感官享受了這人烹調的食物的香味,你就應該給他一定的報酬,這是公平合理的;所以現在該輪到你使他的一個感官得到享受,他的這一感官看來比你的胃口更難以滿足。

I repos d my self here a week , to rest and regale my self after my long journey ; during which , most of the time was taken up in the weighty affair of making a cage for my poll , who began now to be a meer domestick , and to be mighty well acquainted with me 我在家里呆了一星期,以便好好休息,恢復長途旅行的疲勞。在這期間,我做了一件大事,就是給抓到的那只小鸚鵡做了個籠子。這時,這只小鸚鵡已完全馴順了,并且與我親熱起來。

Polyphenol oxidase ( ppo ) isozyme in 14 samples from 3 populations of lilium regale and 4 samples from 4 populations of l . sargentiae in the minjiang river valley was tested by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( page ) 摘要應用聚丙烯酰胺凝膠垂直平板電泳技術,對岷江流域王百合3個采樣點的14個樣品和通江百合4個采樣點的4個樣品的多酚氧化酶( ppo )同功酶進行了研究。

The national jade hotel is a 4 - star regaling foreign guests , located in beijing asia games village . it is about 20 minutes driving distance to the beijing international airport , with convenient traffic 國玉大酒店是一家具有國際標準的三星級涉外商務酒店,地處北京亞運村地區,位于奧運公園東門,緊鄰奧運場館北京國際會議中心及國家奧林匹克中心。

A poor chimney - sweeper , who had not enough money to buy a meal , stopped one hot summer day at noon before an eating - house , and remained regaling his nose with the smell of the food 有一個貧窮的掃煙囪工人,窮得連一頓飯也吃不起,一個炎熱的夏天的中午,他在一家餐館前停了下來,站在那兒用鼻子貪婪地嗅著食物的香味。

Count ilya andreitch was sitting with the other stewards facing bagration , and , the very impersonation of moscow hospitality , did his utmost to regale the prince 伊利亞安德烈伊奇伯爵和其他幾個領導骨干坐在巴格拉季翁對面,因而表現了莫斯科殷勤好客親熱款待公爵的熱忱。

This water sign like homey comfort celebrate with family and friends , and hare a big , hearty meal and regale everyone with stories and memories 這個水相星座的人喜歡家一樣的舒適感,愿意與家人和朋友一同慶祝,同時共享一頓親切友好的聚餐和每個人的故事與記憶。

While they were dancing phoebus treated minerva to salad bowls of negus , and neptune sat in state among seven or eight women who regaled him with cakes 在跳舞的時候,太陽神請智慧女神喝了幾盆色拉酒海神則端端莊莊地坐在七八個女人中間,她們在請他吃糕點。

The cossack who accompanied nesvitsky had handed him over a knapsack and a flask , and nesvitsky was regaling the officers with pies and real doppel - kmmel 伴隨涅斯維茨基的哥薩克把背囊和軍用水壺遞過來,涅斯維茨基于是用餡餅和純正的茴香甜酒款待軍官們。

Shadow lord cubs regale their tribal leaders openly as proud , dignified , cunning and aloof . . . no doubt because they fear them so much 陰影議員的幼獸公然取悅他們的部族領袖,因為他們傲慢、威嚴、狡詐而且無情… …毫無疑問因為他們對領袖是那么的恐懼。

He was supplied with bread of a finer , whiter quality than the usual prison fare , and even regaled each sunday with a small quantity of wine 甚至每星期日還可以享受少量的酒。這一天碰巧是星期日,神甫特地來邀請他的年輕伙伴去分享他的面包和酒。

Nelson mandela regaled the cast of an oscar - winning gangster film yesterday with tales of his own teenage years as a pig thief 曼德拉在當天的會見中講述了自己小時候的故事,把這些電影人逗得不亦樂乎。曼德拉告訴他們,自己小時候曾當過偷豬賊。

Your brain will entertain neither work nor memories , nor anything which might divert it from the one thought with which it is endlessly regaled 我的頭腦里既不思索,也不回憶,心里唯有一個念頭,凡是可能影響這個念頭的思想都不能接受。

Throughout the book she regales memories of their childhood to help her to remember a dark secret the two youngsters had kept hidden for years 貫穿全書,她以他們兒時的記憶自娛并且幫助她想起一個兩位年輕人隱瞞多年的秘密。

You will not mean to travel through the mirror of destiny . you are regaled with powers but you do not understand 你別想穿過命運之鏡!你本來一直享受著強大的力量,但是你從來沒有意識到。

Don ' t imagine that when you go on a trade mission overseas our customers will regale you with champagne and cigars 不要以為你去國外談生意時我們的客房會用香檳和雪茄款待你。

He loved to regale his friends with tales about the many memorable characters he had known as a newspaperman 他喜歡講些他當記者時認識的許多名人的故事給朋友們消遣。