
regain vt.1.取回,奪回,收復,恢復(失物、失地、健康等);...


As soon as he regains consciousness , i wanna know 他一恢復意識,馬上通知我。

She has regained consciousness after three days in coma 她昏迷三天后才回復意識。

He regains his senses in the underground prison 意識回復的時候他已經在地牢里了。

It ' s possible that he will be able to regain some feeling 他還是有可能會重獲知覺

Regain the spiritual value in the education of chinese 找回語文教育的精神價值

It took me about 15 minutes to regain my composure 我花了大約15分鐘保持鎮靜。

But you will regain motor functions momentarily 但你很快就會重新獲得行動能力

He fell into a coma but later regained consciousness 他一度昏迷,但其后蘇醒。

Plastics . determination of the humidity regain curve 塑性制品.回潮率曲線的測定

The time lost could not , however , be regained 但是,失去的時間已經無法追回了。

Then , her composure regained , she was ready to set off to search for any intruders who might still be lurking in her flat . 然后,她恢復了鎮靜,她準備著手搜尋入侵者,因為他們可能仍然在她的這套房子里躲著。

Antonia had dropped her gaze; her face regained its languor, but the bosom of her dress was heaving . 安東妮亞的眼光已經低垂下去;她臉上又浮現出那種無精打采的神色,但是她胸前的衣服卻在一起一伏。

Warren laughed, stripped his sweater off, and won the next five games, regaining his fast drive and his midcourt smash . 華倫大笑起來,脫掉運動衣,又采用了以往的急速發球和中場扣殺,贏了后五局。

Throughout a stormy autumn the u-boats struggled vainly to regain the ascendancy in the north atlantic . 在整個多風暴的秋季中,德國潛艇極力想在北大西洋重新取得優勢,但是并未成功。

He speculated at length on the possibility of france's regaining her ancient position of prestige and power in europe . 他猜測法國在歐洲重獲象其以前的地位聲譽勢力的可能性。

The delaware had also lively pictures of felicity in the prospect of so soon regaining his betrothed . 德拉瓦人因為想到不久就可以重新獲得未婚妻,也懷著種種幸福愉快的憧憬。

He still lay quiet, watching with jealous vigilance every movement below, and fast regaining his breath . 他依舊靜靜地躲在那里,密切注視著下面的動靜,很快就喘過氣來。

When she tried to regain her passport the u.s. state department refused, saying she was a communist . 當她試圖重新領取護照時,美國國務院卻說她是共產黨而一口拒絕。

His attempt to regain his lost inheritance there had brought upon him so much suffering . 他想重新獲得他在那里失去的繼任權的嘗試,給他帶來了這么大的苦難。