
refutation n.駁斥,駁倒。


Raftonalism and irrationalism is the result ofextremely emphasizing reason and unreason . the process of modernization is a process which reason gives play to fundamental function . however , the rational instrumentalism in the process of modernization causes the refutation of postmodemism . postmodernism takes an irrational method to explain the “ substance “ reason and gives up the reasons hegemony and lopsided instrurnentalism . our modernization not only fully display the reason ' s function ofconstruct , but also display the guidance and drive function ofthe non - rational factor 理性主義和非理性主義是把理性和非理性強調到極至的結果。現代化的過程就是理性發揮根本性作用的過程,然而理性在現代化過程中的工具化使其遭到后現代的批駁,后現代以一種非理性的方法解構了現代性中“實體的”理性,否定了理性的霸權和片面的工具性。我們的現代化既要充分發揮理性的制度建構作用,還要發揮非理性因素的引導、激勵作用。

On the other hand , through inhibted performances of concrete and mortar , the permeability refutations with different w / c , ages , admixture , and physics chemistry absorb regulation of different viscosity permeable liquid , the liquid - gas method is proved science and accuracy . because adopting with liquid - gas method it case clearer concrete permeability regulation . different concretes relativity is more exact and more efficiency and fixed quantity 另一方面,我們利用混凝土所固有的性質:不同水灰比混凝土、砂漿、抗滲性能規律;不同齡期混凝土的抗滲規律;不同外加劑、摻合料抗滲性能之間相互對比規律;不同黏度滲透液物理化學吸附對測試結果影響的規律;用規律來映證溶液氣壓法的科學性,準確性。

“ well , “ said franz with a sigh , “ do as you please my dear viscount , for your arguments are beyond my powers of refutation . still , in spite of all , you must admit that this count of monte cristo is a most singular personage . “好吧, ”弗蘭茲嘆了一口氣說道, “你隨便吧,我親愛的子爵,因為我無力反駁你的論據,但無論如何,這位基督山伯爵總是一個怪人。 ”

Based on the principle of resolution refutation in fl , the inferring process of first order predication logic ( fopl ) is performed and sn inference based on pn is implemented 根據形式邏輯的歸結反演原理,本文給出了一階謂詞邏輯的petri網推理的方法,實現了語義網絡的petri網推理。

Popper ' s ideas on refutation have cast significant effects on the methodology of western economics in the twentieth century , and have triggered arguments on the methodology 摘要波普爾的證偽主義思想對20世紀西方經濟學方法論產生了重要影響,引起了20世紀經濟學方法論的爭論。

The people , in the case of which we speak , could justify its prejudice against roger chillingworth by no fact or argument worthy of serious refutation 就我們所談的這些人而論,他們對羅杰靈渥斯的偏見,其事實或理由都不值認真一駁。

Refutation of mou zong - san ' s theory of beyond existence - viewing the defects of the theory in terms of the evolution of heaven theory of pre - qin period 從先秦天論的發展軌跡看牟宗三超越存有論的缺陷

I think trying to develop systematic theory leads to potential advances , even if only in the refutation of the theory 我相信建立系統理論、哪怕單是對理論進行反駁都可以引至潛在的進步。

Post - modernism : the feminism is faced with challenges and refutations in mainland china 中國大陸女性主義面臨挑戰與顛覆

A person engaged in or inclined to controversy , argument , or refutation 辯論者;爭辯者從事或喜歡爭辯、辯論或駁斥的人

Sophists and sharp refutation 詭辯及其駁斥

What ever the accuser said , he could give corresponding refutation 不論控方說什么,他都能給予相應的駁斥。

Xiao bin , government by the people : in refutation of anarchy and levithian 洛克政府理論的邏輯結構分析

Refutation and discussion about the theme of southeast the lovelorn peacocks fly 主題駁議與新探

A refutation of john searle ' s criticism of turing test 兼論行為主義作為圖靈測驗理論基礎的合理性

Mao qiling ' s refutation of hetu and luoshu 毛奇齡對河圖洛書的駁斥

Supervised learning of heuristic function for refutation 反演啟發函數的監督學習算法

She instantly rose with a blush which was not a refutation . 她倏地站了起來,臉色雖然紅撲撲的,但并沒有不以為然的意思。

Since then, i have succeeded in giving a refutation of historicism . 在那以后,我成功地對歷史決定論給予反駁。