
refutable adj.可駁倒的;有錯誤的。adv.-bly


For any formal theory in which basic arithmetical facts are provable , it is possible to construct an arithmetical statement which , if the theory is consistent , is true but not provable or refutable in the theory 對任何基本算術事實是可證明的形式理論來說,如果該理論是一致的,那么就可以構造一個算術陳述,它是正確的,但無法使用該理論證明或推翻。

In short , a useful thoery is one that is refutable by facts but so far repeatedly confirmed by evidence 一句話,強的理論便是一個可能被事實推翻,但至今仍不斷被事實確認的理論。

These hypotheses, i contend, must be refutable in principle . 我認為這些假說在原則上必須是可以反駁的。