
refuse 短語和例子refuse1vt.1.拒絕,謝絕,固辭,辭退...


There were no refuse cans out . 外面的垃圾桶都沒了。

The country was in danger. he could not refuse . 國家處于危難之中,他不能袖手不管。

He accepted my gift while pretending to refuse . 他半推半就,收下了我送給他的禮物。

Am i to understand that you refuse ? 看意思你是拒絕了?

I did not have the heart to refuse the child's request . 我不忍心拒絕孩子的要求。

She refused his tender of marriage . 她拒絕了他的求婚。

Both sides still refuse to come to the negotiating table . 雙方仍拒絕回到談判桌。

It would be churlish to refuse . 一口拒絕,可太粗暴了。

To refuse would be an act of pure selfishness . 拒絕接受會是一個純粹自私的舉動。

I refuse on principle . 我拒絕是按原則辦事(并無惡意)。

They have refused him leave of absence . 他們不準他休假。

When he opened his mouth, the words refused to come out . 他張開嘴巴說不出話。

Are we to take it that you refuse to co-operate ? 我們是否可以認為你拒絕合作?

He refused to go into details about his plans . 他拒絕涉及有關他的計劃的細節。

The bank refused to accept any mortgage on land ... 銀行拒絕接受任何土地抵押。

They have had their request refused . 他們的請求遭到拒絕。

I should have refused you on the spot . 我真該當場拒絕你。

The presumption is that he will refuse . 看起來他會拒絕的。

It would be bad taste to refuse their invitation . 拒絕他們的邀請是不禮貌的。