
refusal n.1.拒絕,謝絕,固辭,不允,不承認。2.優先取舍[選...


Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament 你的拒絕讓我感到十分為難。

Their refusal puts us in a difficult position 他們的拒絕使我們陷入了困境。

The young man interpreted her answer as a refusal 這個年輕人把她的回答解釋為拒絕。

Only one refusal of payment is acceptable to the bank 銀行只接受一次拒付。

Their refusal rang the knell of our hopes 他們的拒絕是我們希望破滅的兇兆。

Her refusal to help quite upset the applecart 她不肯幫忙,計畫也就落空了。

His refusal to help simply pinpointed his cowardice 他的拒絕幫助正好指出他的膽小。

We were dismayed at his refusal to cooperate 他不肯合作使我們感到非常失望。

That refusal to accept a lawful induction order 拒絕接受法律規定的應征命令

The refusal was couched in friendly language 他用友善的語言表達了拒絕之意。

We were all dismayed at his refusal to co - operate 他不肯合作使我們感到非常失望

I suffered a blunt refusal when i called him 當我打電話給他時遭到他的斷然拒絕。

Records all refused business with reasons for refusal 記錄所有未接受預訂及原因

The act of acceptance or refusal causes conversion 接受或拒絕的行動引發了變化。

Refusal to forward mail items without proper cause 一無正當事由拒絕載運郵件。

His refusal was couched in very polite words 他用非常委婉的言語傳達拒絕之意。

That refusal to accept a lawful induction order . . 拒絕接受法律規定的應征命令. .

I can ' t be held responsible for her refusal to eat 我承擔不起她拒絕進餐的責任。

Chairman : sir , your refusal to answer our questions 先生,你拒絕回答我們的問題