
refurnish vt.1.再供給;供給新裝備。2.【植物;植物學】剪頂枝...


A spare parlour and bedroom i refurnished entirely , with old mahogany and crimson upholstery : i laid canvas on the passage , and carpets on the stairs 一間空余的客廳和寢室,用舊紅木家具和大紅套子重新布置了一下。我在過道上鋪了帆布,樓梯上鋪了地毯。

The hotel had been newly refurnished and even the carpet in the meditation ballroom was in mint condition 該旅館最近才重新整建過,連打坐大廳的地毯都是全新的。

We arrived at twilight and sat on the refurnished porch watching the lake go dark . 我們于黃昏到達,坐在新修飾的門廊上看入暮的湖色。

Every one in town took an interest in their refurnishing . 鎮上的人都對他們重新布置的新房感興趣。