
refurbish vt.1.重新擦亮。2.再刷新;整修;翻新。


The sale proceeds of the refurbished units after deducting the refurbishment cost could be returned to these elderly owners 至于出售經翻新單位的收益,在扣除翻新費用后,可交還給這些年老業主。

Weeks of hard work refurbishing his guest house in time for the first summer visitors had worn david to a shadow 為及時整修賓館以迎接第一批夏季商人,戴維艱苦工作了幾個星期,他變得非常消瘦。

Ucf is a group of volunteers who refurbish computer hardware together for donation to local needy families Ucf是一個志愿者組織,他們將電腦硬件組裝成新的電腦,并捐給當地需要它們的的家庭。

They can either choose to apply for a new pc at a very affordable price , or receive a refurbished pc , for free 申請者將能以優惠的價格,申請一臺全新的電腦,或免費獲得一臺翻新的電腦!

Hotel ' s newly refurbished spacious guest rooms feature luxury bedding , mini - bar , and wireless internet access 酒店內新裝修的寬敞客房內設置了豪華床具、迷你吧,以及無線網絡接入設備。

The corresponding lending rate stipulated by the people ' s bank of china applies to that on loans for refurbishing houses 家居裝修貸款利率執行中國人民銀行規定的相應檔次貸款利率。

Indoor decorating and refurbishing materials - limitations of harmful substances emitted from carpets , carpet cushions and adhesives 地毯地毯襯墊及地毯膠粘劑有害物質釋放限量

No need to spend your hard - earned cash on cool antiques . refurbish and recycle something you get for free 不必把辛苦賺來得錢花在精致古董上,重新粉刷,回收利用免費的東西。

The restaurant was refurbished recently to provide our guests with a brand new look and comfortable environment for dining 本酒樓已重新裝修,以全新的設計、優雅的環境。

The biggest and most modern one , the varyag , is in the northern port city of dalian , where it is being refurbished 最大最新式的“瓦雅格號“在北方港口大連接受整修。

Rotating electrical machines - part 23 : specification for the refurbishing of rotating electrical machines iec ts 60034 - 23 : 2003 旋轉電機.第23部分:旋轉電機整修規范

Then the newly refurbished wrightsman galleries for french decorative arts reopen the following week 接下來的一周,又有剛裝修一新的賴茨曼畫廊舉行法國裝飾藝術展。

The ceiling of a loan for refurbishing houses shall not exceed 80 % of the total house refurbishing amount 家居裝修貸款的最高金額不得超過家居裝修工程總額的80 % 。

It was declared a monument in 1984 , refurbished and opened as a museum in 1985 火車站于1984年被列為法定古跡經修復及重新布置后,博物館于1985年開放予市民參觀。

Purchase a refurbished laptop that will suit your needs and last for years , at a great savings 翻新筆記本購買適合你的需要,將過去幾年,在一個偉大的積蓄

At the end of the sessions , the families receive their own refurbished computer 在課程結束的時候,這些家庭會收到屬于他們的利用舊電腦組裝起來的新電腦。

What all of this means is that if you purchase a refurbished laptop , you can expect the following 所有這一切意味著什么,你買了翻新的筆記本,你可以預期

In 1979 , it was listed as one of the historical monuments and was refurbished in 1988 1979年炮臺被列為法定古跡, 1988年全面維修,鞏固圍墻及重新修養。

Since they can ' t sell the laptop as new , the store sends it back to the manufacturer to be “ refurbished . 自從他們不能賣新筆記本,商店派回廠商做“翻新