
refulgent adj.輝煌的,燦爛的。adv.-ly


He wore a large brown mantle , one fold of which , thrown over his left shoulder , served likewise to mask the lower part of his countenance , while the upper part was completely hidden by his broad - brimmed hat . the lower part of his dress was more distinctly visible by the bright rays of the moon , which , entering through the broken ceiling , shed their refulgent beams on feet cased in elegantly made boots of polished leather , over which descended fashionably cut trousers of black cloth 他穿著一件棕褐色寬大的披風,下擺的一角掀起蓋住了他的左肩,象是故意用它來遮住下半部臉似的,而上半部臉則完全藏在他那頂寬邊的帽子下面,他的下半身著裝比較清楚,從破屋頂上進來的明亮的月光,照出他的擦得雪亮的皮靴,皮靴上面是黑色的長褲,顯然他即使不是個貴族,也是上流社會中的人。

First she generated electricity , then began to build and repair equipment and now manufacture produce . once she was refulgent , but now go to trouble . the dujiang electric power equipment work must quicken the step of reformation , liberate the thought , change the concept , deploitation , inaugurte , draw and actualize the development stratagme of the factory , in order to make the factory walk out the difficult , catch hold of the opportunity , adapt the change and demand of the market environment , and standing develop , in the face of the opportunity that china go to wto and the empolder the west of china , specially , the system of electric power has been reformating and the power electric equipment industry developed quickly 都江電力設備廠自發電轉產修造進而到產品制造,既有曾經的輝煌,也有目前的困難,面對中國加入wto和西部大開發實施,特別是電力體制改革的實施以及電力裝備工業的快速發展機遇,都江電力設備廠必須加快改革的步伐,進一步解放思想,轉變觀念,開拓創新,通過制訂和實施工廠的發展戰略,使都江廠能走出困境,抓住機遇,適應市場環境的變化和需求,從而走上持續發展之路。

While i walked under the dripping orange - trees of my wet garden , and amongst its drenched pomegranates and pineapples , and while the refulgent dawn of the tropics kindled round me - i reasoned thus , jane - and now listen ; for it was true wisdom that consoled me in that hour , and showed me the right path to follow 我在濕漉漉的園子里水珠滴嗒的桔子樹下,在濕透的石榴和菠蘿樹中間漫步,周圍燃起了燦爛的熱帶黎明一于是我思考著,簡一噢,聽著,在那一時刻真正的智慧撫慰了我,向我指明了正確的道路。

All i can think about is , this is the first time i ' ve seen the word “ refulgent “ used in a football programme ( not once , but twice ) , carlos dunga ' s remarkable resemblance to john terry , and my blue angels 別弄錯了,我依然難以忍受撒切爾、邁爾斯和巴頓等人,但我已經開始后悔謾罵迪科夫的那些話,并在自己內心靜靜唱著《曼城,直到我死》 。

In order to develop beidahuang fengyuan group to become a most excellent process enterprise of wheat in whole country , we wish to be hand in hand with friends at home and abroad create a refulgent and nice tomorrow together 為將北大荒豐緣集團發展成國內最優秀的小麥加工企業,我們愿與天下朋友攜手,共同創造輝煌美好的明天。

Fostered by the refulgent history of 5000 years and the fertile soil of 10 million kilometers , our chinese stands towering in the east of the world 泱泱五千年燦爛文明、千萬平方公里廣袤沃土,養育的中華民族屹立世界東方。

Make friends all over the word and let us be refulgent together 會盟天下客與我共輝煌