
refulgence n.輝煌,燦爛。


After that , the article goes on the quality of finance , fund financing , strategic develop , quality of merge , capital structure of shenxin co . , expatiated the deep reasons of shenxin ’ s stranded matter . the article used these facts to prove the company itself and its leader ’ s problems in the process from refulgence to down 繼而,文章從財務質量、融資、戰略發展、兼并質量、資產結構等五個方面闡述申新公司擱淺的深層次原因,通過這些來論證企業從輝煌走向沒落的過程,企業自身和企業領導者存在的問題。

It ' s your pleasure . superior shijianshi had had two lectures about longquan precious jian in gaoxiong science craft museum and the imperial palace museum . it had gained good comments , and let us reburn the refulgence of chinese 3000 years sword forging . thanks for your nice explanation again 有幸陪同系個人之榮幸.試劍石前輩分別在國立高雄科學工藝博物館及故宮博物院舉辦兩場有關龍泉寶劍的演講,深獲在場各方人士的好評,讓我們重熾中華三千年鑄劍史的輝煌.再度謝謝您帶來的精辟講演

Since metaphase and anaphase in the 1990 ' s , enterprise groups “ m & a are frequent in the domestic and international economic lives . lots of them are astounding incipiently , but not sound operation after 3 or 5 years . just short - term refulgence 自上世紀90年代中、后期以來,企業集團并購案在我國經濟生活中頻繁發生,很多是起初轟轟烈烈的,三、五年后便偃旗息鼓,曇花一現,譬如宜昌猴王集團、濟南中國輕騎集團、鄭百文集團等。

Since metaphase and anaphase in the 1990 ' s , enterprise groups “ m & a are frequent in the domestic and international economic lives . lots of them are astounding incipiently , but not sound operation after 3 or 5 years , just short - term refulgence 自上世紀90年代中、后期以來,企業集團并購案在國內外經濟生活中頻乃發生,很多是起初轟轟烈烈, 3 、 5年后偃旗息鼓,曇花一現,譬如宜昌猴王集團、濟南中國輕騎集團、鄭百文集團等。

Part 1 is foreword the refulgence of tourist goes with the crisis of tourist resource environment . but there are many bugs in the studies in china and freedmen ' s . so the contents and aims of this paper are put forward 第一部分是引言,從旅游業發展現狀到嬌人業績伴隨的旅游資源環境危機,較全面的總結了旅游資源環境問題的表現,綜合回顧國內外旅游環境問題研究概況,找出其不足之處,提出本文的研究內容和研究目的。

Carrying out diversification and international operating strategy , tongfei company will have a significant impact on the improving economic profits , enhanced enterprise power , and reestablished refulgence 南通同飛公司實施多元化和國際化經營戰略,必將為公司提高經濟效益,增強企業實力,重鑄輝煌,產生較大的影響。

Yuanyuan arware warmly welcome all of their friendwhatever from china main land or abroad to come and hope with their cooperatingthat can creating the 21 - century new refulgence in the future 我們的目標就是讓你滿意,公司竭誠歡迎國內外客商光臨指導,希望你我共同攜手共創21世紀的輝煌。

Nac staffs have illuminated the hope of national automobile industry with credit and achievement and reap the harvest of today ' s refulgence and promising future of national automobile industry 南汽人也正以榮譽和業績點亮了民族汽車工業的希望,收獲著民族汽車工業的一路陽光。

Looking forward to the future , dongyongxing will set up a international professional enterprise and second refulgence by right of most gracious credit standing , and full service 展望未來,東永興以最高尚的信譽,最完善的服務,為東永興實現國際化專業企業,再創輝煌。

By the reappearance of the different types , different symbols torii in huizhou , it posts the refulgence and heaviness of the traditional culture of huizhou 通過徽州大地上不同類型、不同象征意義牌坊的再現,揭示了徽州這一傳統文化形態的輝煌與沉重。

Face new century , create refulgence again . we are happy to meet new and old friends of home and overseas and cooperate with all our hearts 面向新世紀,再創新輝煌,亞明人竭誠歡迎國內外新老朋友惠顧與合作。

Hard carve out and re - create the refulgence the report of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of nbs 艱苦的創業史卓絕的業績新中國政府統計機構成立50周年紀念大會側記

It is urgent for our textile industry to grasp the new opportunity and create the refulgence again 如何抓住新環境提供的機遇,再現輝煌已成為中國紡織服裝業的當務之急。