
refugee n.(特指逃避戰禍或政治、宗教迫害的)難民,避難者,亡命...


And i have more refugees than i have room for as it is , 我這兒的房間裝不下這么多難民

Every thursday we ship supplies to the refugees your 每個星期四我們會運送補給給難民

A deep faith underlies her work among refugees 她在難民中工作是因為她有很深的信念。

Issue on refugee and its international protection 試論難民及其國際保護問題

Subsidizing living expenses of palawan refugee camp 巴拉灣難民營生活補助費

And abandon these refugees out here in the bush 還有在叢林里把難民都丟棄了

Supplies of food have been flown to the refugees 補給的糧食空運給那些難民

The refugees waded waist - deep into the stream 難民涉過深及腰際的溪流之中。

What if i am a refugee or asylum seeker 如果我是難民或政治避難者,該怎么辦

A deep faith underlies her work among refugees 她在難民中工作是因為她有很深的信念

The court refused to extradite political refugees 法庭拒絕引渡政治避難者。

Many countries contributed aid for refugees in africa 很多國家為非洲難民提供援助。

He directed the dispensation of food to the refugees 他指揮分發食物給難民。

His ancestors had come to england as refugees 他的祖先來到英國的時候是難民

Belgium granted asylum to the political refugees 比利時給予政治難民避難權。

A spirit of hopelessness pervaded the refugee camp 絕望的情緒籠罩著難民營。

But we can ' t go around having political refugees 但是我們不能讓一個政治流亡者

The plight of the refugees really wrung my heart 難民處境慘苦真叫我牽腸割肚

Our hearts went out to the brave little refugee 我們的心為這個小難民而顫抖。