
refrigeratory adj.致冷的;消熱的;冷卻的。n.冷卻器,(電)冰箱;...


We have already offered various aspects service of industrial design for dozens of domestic and international manufacturers in the past few years . many design works we made have turned into products , such as refrigeratory for henan xinfei group , kfr - 751w air - conditioner for wuxi little seagull group , df300h camera for seagull camera factory , ect . we are although cooperated with the international manufacturer such as yamaha which design institute in japan . at present , we are planning to built “ independent studio “ with the group of enterprise 幾年來“凌錚”已經為幾十家國內外企業提供了各個層面的產品工業設計服務,其中為河南新飛集團成功設計并上市的三鮮園系列冰箱,為無錫小天鵝集團成功設計并上市的kfr - 75lw系列柜式空調等,同時也與國際工業廠商如yamaha日本總部設計機構進行工業設計合作,當前,正計劃和國內具有一定品牌經營實力的企業集團聯合投資構建若干“獨立工作室

Second , the model for evaporator is founded based on traditional theory , including refrigerant side and air side , and the method for choosing element ; the calculation for the load of refrigeratory ; the thickness choice for heat insulation material ; the work area of evaporator is conformed ; and the matching for the other elements 2 )根據傳統理論建立了蒸發器的數學模型,包括冷劑側和空氣側的數學模型、微元的選取;冷庫冷負荷的計算和確定;隔熱材料合理厚度的選擇;蒸發器工作面積的確定;以及其他制冷元件的匹配理論。

In recent years , with the relaxation of the control on quota and license , gdf devoted a lot on diversification development , such as abroad and domestic sales of the self - owned brand foodstuffs series represented by pearl river bridge brand soy sauce , investment including coco - cola bottling factory and some industries including hoggery , canned food factory , stainless steel manufacture , refrigeratory and wharf 近年來,隨著配額、許可證商品逐步放開,其致力于多元化發展,如以珠江橋牌醬油為核心的系列自有品牌食品國內外銷售,包括可口可樂裝瓶廠在內的眾多投資,以及養豬場、罐頭廠、不銹鋼廠、冷庫、碼頭等配套出口的實業。

It has been used in home such as webtv . network refrigeratory , network air - condition ; in the conventional industrial control and the commerce management field such as intelligent industrial control equipment , pos / atm machine , 1c phone . we can also use it in multimedia mobile telephone and navigation equipment that is fixed in 除了應用在家庭領域,如webtv 、網絡冰箱、網絡空調等眾多消費類和醫療保健類電子設備等;在傳統的工業控制和商業管理領域也可以看到它們的身影,如智能工控設備、 pos atm機、 ic卡等;此外,嵌入式系統還應用在媒體手機、袖珍電腦、掌上電腦、車載導航器等方面。

The paper introduces the necessity the purpose and some study methods separately . it also introduces the actuality of the ship refrigerated carrying , types of the refrigeration systems of the ship the stand - alone and more storerooms system in the high and low temperature refrigeratory system of the ship , some advantages of the new cycle , the principle of the erector , the parameter design theory and construction size of the ejector in the new refrigeration cycle , the test study in the high and low temperature refrigeratory system of the ship which includes the test device , the operation console , the principle chart of the refrigeration system , the computer testing results and so on 本文分別敘述了本課題研究的必要性、意義及內容;船舶冷庫制冷系統的型式、船舶高、低溫冷庫的單機多庫系統,并重在理論上分析了新循環較原循環有許多優越性;制冷新循環中的噴射器的原理、參數設計理論及結構尺寸;船舶高、低溫制冷系統的實驗研究,包括實驗裝置、實驗操作控制臺、制冷系統原理圖、微機檢測情況及實驗結果:研究結論與實用價值等。

A ejector for is applied in this theory . it can not only regulate the evaporating temperature of each high - temperature refrigeratory but also reduce the back - pressure of the compressor when a system applies this theory . at the same time , the exhaust temperature of the compressor becomes low and the refrigerating capacity per unit of swept volume becomes high 鑒于目前這種現狀,本文提出了以噴射器為基礎的船舶高、低溫冷庫制冷新循環,不但可調節高溫庫的蒸發溫度,而且也可使壓縮機的回氣壓力得到提高,壓縮機排氣溫度降低,單位容積制冷量上升,制冷系數提高,火用效率提高。

With refrigeratory of 1200 square meter , workshop of 13600 square meter , and annual storage and preservation capacity of 20 million kg vegetables and processing 10 million kg vegetables , the company is deemed to improve its competitiveness and to have a good base for better economic profits of the farmers 1200平方米冷庫, 13600平方米車間,年貯藏保鮮蔬菜2000萬公斤,加工凈蔬菜1000萬公斤,為公司加快農業產業化調整步伐,進一步開展精深細化加工,從而提高企業競爭力增加和農民經濟效益奠定了堅實的基礎。

With a example of small built - up refrigeratory design , through the experiential design method , quantities of symbol reasoning and experiential - data which will be met in small built - up refrigeratory design have been analyzed in detail . as a result , based on the model of small built - up refrigeratory design established with expert system technique , the programme of small built - up refrigeratory design have been worked out by using clips , a kind of expert system programming tool 以小型組合式冷庫設計為實例,利用經驗的設計方法,詳細分析了小型組合式冷庫在設計時所遇到的大量的符號推理和經驗數據,運用專家系統技術,建立了一個小型組合式冷庫設計專家系統模型。

As we all know , the back - pressure valve ( also called evaporating pressure regulator ) is often used to regulate the evaporating temperature of every high - temperature refrigeratory in the system containing many different temperatures but single engine of the ship . but it is neglected that the energy of the system is lost and the efficiency of the system becomes low 眾所周知船舶單機多庫(簡稱為高、低溫冷庫)系統中,常用背壓閥(蒸發壓力調節閥)來調節各高溫庫的蒸發溫度,但忽略了系統無形損耗的能量,效率也有所下降。

The new refrigeration cycle theory with the ejector for the high and low temperature refrigeratory of the ship is a concrete tryout and efficient practice which involves the modern computer technology in the ship testing technique . it needs further study 本論文所研究的建立在噴射器基礎上的船舶高、低溫冷庫制冷系統是現代微機技術在船舶測試技術中的一項具體嘗試和實踐,有待于進一步改進和完善。

Abstract : ipm is adopted as inverter unit in this novel refrigeratory system for diesel and electric locomotives . the paper presents the system design and operation principle , the implementation method of the hardware and the flow diagram of control software 文摘:闡述了以智能功率模塊( ipm )為逆變元件的新型內燃、電力機車冰箱系統的設計、工作原理、硬件實現方法以及控制軟件流程。

( 3 ) for the product failures of the refrigeratory , research the algorithm of product policy decision tree and clustering analysis , resulting in a satisfactory failure information report for manufacture departments ( 3 )針對冰箱產品故障信息的缺陷,通過聚類分析,并按決策樹算法對產品故障進行研究,得出令生產部門滿意故障信息報表。

Our products are widely used in building , petroleum , chemical engineering , electric power , metallurgical , textile , national defense , transport , automobile , air conditioner , train wagon , ship refrigeratory , etc 產品廣泛用于建筑、石油、化工、電力、冶金、紡織、國防、交通運輸、汽車制造、空調管道、火車車廂、輪船、冷庫等領域。

Architecture : refrigeratory , ship - building industry , roof heat - preservation , inside and outside wall heat - preservation , parking lot and insulation of inner layer of chimney , etc 2建筑:冷庫造船屋頂保溫內外層墻體保溫停車場地屏環保煙囪內

There are refrigeratory and bar in the deluxe room , you will feel comfort and ease 無論您選擇哪種客房,都能享受到舒適與安逸。

This can be widely used within refrigeratory , medicine and chemical industry 該項技術可推廣應用于冰箱、醫藥和化工等行業。

Guarantee arrival at site called in case refrigeratory is failure 冷庫出現故障,保證作到隨叫隨到。

Refrigeratory - zhejiang richeng mould co . , ltd 模具冰箱模具

Discussion about saving energy in refrigeratory 冷庫節能探討