
refrigerator n.(電)冰箱;致冷器,冷藏庫;制冰機;冷凍機。 ref...


All secure . - it talks to the refrigerator 全部安全-這個可以和冰箱通話

Refrigerator re4133 was honored with ep mark 電冰箱re4133榮獲環保標章。

- all secure . - it talks to the refrigerator -全部安全-這個可以和冰箱通話

He bought a refrigerator on hire purchase 他以分期付款的方式購買電冰箱。

There ' s a very nice refrigerator in the kitchen 廚房里有一個很好的冰箱。

An empty refrigerator illustrates a lack of forethought 空空的冰箱說明主人缺乏先見。

There ' s all this strange food in the refrigerator 冰箱里都是些奇怪的食物

Method of testing commercial refrigerators and freezers 商用制冷機和冷凍機的試驗方法

Write your message in magnetic letters on their refrigerator 在冰箱上粘貼你的便條。

It ' s hard work carrying this refrigerator upstairs 抬這臺電冰箱上樓是件辛苦的工作。

Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food from freezing 愛斯基摩人用冰箱防止食物結冰。

K pulse tube refrigerator thermoacoustically driven 熱聲驅動脈管制冷機120

Lubricants - refrigerator oils - part 1 : specifications 潤滑劑.冷卻機油.第1部分:規范

Pollutants from air - con units and refrigerators 空調裝置及雪柜排放的污染物

Marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes 把碗放到冰箱里冷卻至少30分鐘。

To buy a refrigerator on hire purchase 用分期付款或租購的方法購買電冰箱。

Refrigerator re3201 was honored with ep mark 電冰箱re3201榮獲環保標章。

You might call it a refrigerator of prana or energy 你可以叫它以太能冰箱!

Portable refrigerators for use with hd - 5 propane gas 使用hd - 5丙烷氣體的可移式冷藏箱