
refreshment n.1.提神;精神恢復,身心爽快,心曠神怡。2.〔常 p...

refreshment car

They entertained guests with refreshments 他們以茶點招待客人。

Refreshment ? i ' ve got protein paste , carb laxative 來點點心?我這里有蛋白質膏,碳水化合物補劑

Will they serve refreshments on the plane 機上會有餐點供應嗎?

They came into the room for some refreshment 他們進屋吃點東西。

Would you like , uh , some refreshments , some water or some tea 你們需要吃點什么嗎?水還是茶?

A : fruit juice , cakes and refreshments , and everything 水果汁、糕點、各種茶點等等,應有盡有。

Self service refreshment counters , bistro bar 自助輕膳柜臺小酒吧

The cabin crew will now start to serve refreshments 機艙服務人員馬上會給大家分發食品和飲料。

I have a pepsi at a refreshment booth around the corner 我在轉角處的餐飲攤喝了一杯百事可樂。

Love is the greatest refreshment in life 愛情是生活最好的提神劑。

Would you join me for a little refreshment 想和我一起用些點心嗎?

Fruit juice , cakes and refreshments , and everything 水果汁、糕點、各種茶點等等,應有盡有。

In the case of any light refreshment restaurant , in respect of which - 只售賣小食的食肆除外

What about this lad in the back ? did he get any refreshment 后車廂的那個小伙子. . .喝過了嗎

P > love is the greatest refreshment in life 愛情是生活最好的提神劑。

A : can i count on you to bring refreshments 我能指望你帶些點心來嗎?

Nice hot refreshment . perfect for a cold winter ' s night 這么冷的天來點兒熱呼呼的提提神

A hot bath is a great refreshment after a day ' s work 在一天工作之后洗個熱水澡真是舒暢。

Fixed - pitch cooked food or light refreshment hawker licence 固定攤位熟食或小食小販牌照