
refresher n.1.使心神清爽的東西[人];飲料,食物;〔口語〕冷飲...


The customs and excise department organises refresher courses for the staff who are tasked to take up assessment work of trade declarations as a result of the re - shuffling of duties 香港海關把職務重新編配后,為派往執行貿易報關評估工作的人員舉辦復修課程。

Their training is adequate and up to international standards . refresher training through the use of simulator has also been arranged for radar controllers , “ mr lam said 他說:所有空管人員必須持有適當的執照方可執行職務,他們的培訓充足,且符合國際標準。

To develop staff capacity , midwifery refresher courses are being organized for nurses with midwife background and more part - time nurses are being recruited 為加強員工應付有關工作的能力,醫管局正為有助產士資格的護士舉辦復修課程,并會招聘更多兼職護士。

Dodgy - looking , odorless drink - cool ! i love trying weird things . turns out to be freshly squeezed cucumber juice ? instant refresher 看上去不太可靠的,聞上去沒什么味道的飲料,好吧,我最喜歡試奇怪的食物了。應該是新鮮黃瓜榨的汁吧。立刻讓我精神起來。

Of course , you already know how to do that , so this is a piece of cake - if you ve forgotten , listing 3 is a quick refresher 當然,您已經知道如何去做了,所以這是輕而易舉的事情- -如果您忘了如何去做,那么可以參看清單3作為復習。

Before or after six months of the expiry date of the first aid certificate , you may apply to attend a refresher course on first aid 急救證書在有效期滿前或滿后六個均可報讀本隊的急救證書復修班。考試及格后可以延續證書三年。

However , in this section , well spend some time talking about autonomic computing in general to give you a quick background or refresher 不過本節將花費一些時間談一談一般性的自主計算知識,幫助您快速了解或更新背景知識。

As for item ( d ) above , refresher courses for motormen are organized annually by the company as a continuous enhancement initiative 而就上文(丁)項,電車公司每年都會為車長舉辦復修課程,作為一項持續的改善措施。

It will also be necessary to make arrangements for refresher training at regular intervals to ensure that staff do not forget their responsibilities 認可機構亦須定期安排復修訓練,以確保職員不會忘記其責任。

Organize a series of safety and courtesy training as well as a refresher course on defensive driving for motormen ; and (丁)為車長安排多項有關安全駕駛和服務乘客的訓練,以及警覺駕駛方面的復修課程;及

Throughout their careers information grade officers are given refresher courses to polish their professional skills 在以后的日子,處方會為他們安排進修課程,提高他們的專業水平。

It also ran 29 refresher and re - certification courses for 338 ambulance personnel . in - service training was provided to 此外,也為338名救護人員開辦了29項復修及重新考核課程。

Newbies to the vi editor will gain proficiency , and experienced users will gain a valuable refresher Vi編輯器初學者將會精通;對有經驗的用戶將是很好的回顧和加深。

It ' s time i went on a refresher course - - i ' m getting out of touch with modern techniques 我近來不接觸現代科技,現在確實是我到新科技動態學習班去去進修的時候了。

I took the refresher courses during my holidays , because study bring me happy and substantial 參加培訓是我在雙休和長假期間進行的,因為學習能使我更加充實和快樂。

Note the usage of the refresher helper thread to continue the addition of new files to be processed 請注意繼續添加要處理的新文件的refresher helper線程的用法。

Midp programming details are beyond the scope of this article ; if you need a refresher , please see the Midp編程細節不在本文范圍內;如果您需要復習一下,請參閱

To maintain their professional standards , regular training and refresher programmes are provided 署方會定期為員工提供培訓和復修課程,協助他們保持專業水平。

Review of annual staff training needs and provision of induction , refresher and new - skills training 每年檢討員工的培訓需要和提供入職培訓、進修及新技能培訓