
refresh vt.1.(磨光表面等)使變新,使煥然一新;翻新。2.(...


Caching , refresh , and replication monitor performance 緩存、刷新和復制監視器性能

The cool water refreshed him after his long sleep 久睡之后,涼水使他又清醒起來。

Analysis on hygienic quality of air refreshing agents 空氣清新劑衛生學質量分析

Different refresh options produce different results “刷新”按鈕相同的結果。

Refreshes the property tabs of the specified scope 刷新指定范圍的屬性選項卡。

The cache can only be refreshed programmatically 只能以編程方式來刷新高速緩存。

5 refresh a hour can continue to use for 6 hours 充電一小時能持續使用6小時。

Coke refreshes you like no other can 沒有別的飲料能像可口可樂那樣令您神清氣爽。

How to : refresh items in solution explorer >如何:在解決方案資源管理器中刷新項

Refreshes the data in your page in design view 刷新“設計”視圖中的頁面數據。

To allow events when refreshing the schema ,則在刷新架構時允許事件發生;若為

Method of autocar ' s accumulator of lead fast refresh 汽車鉛酸蓄電池快速充電方法

When have you been refreshed by another believer 你曾否因其他的信徒而受到鼓舞

Sarah : just refresh my memory . what ' s the address again 記得提醒我。地址是哪?

This dish tastes fragrant and feels tender and refreshing 味道芳香,嫩滑爽口。

Refresh the thumbnails for the current selection . . 刷新當前所選區域的縮略圖。

“it is refreshing both to the spirits and to the body to indulge in psalmody, in befitting seasons,“ returned the master of song . “是的,在適宜的時候,縱情唱唱圣詩,對一個人的身心都是大有好處的。”歌唱大師答道。

Both the people and animals in the caravans could rest and refresh themselves at each hotel before continuing on long journeys . 商隊的旅客和牲畜每到一處客店,都可稍事休息,以便恢復精力,繼續踏上征途。

She was warm and cold and sticky all at the same time and the feel of the night air on her limbs was refreshing . 因為這時她身上是熱、冷、濕三樣東西攪做一團了,只覺得腿上接觸一點夜風非常涼爽。