
reframe vt.1.再構造;重新制訂。2.給某物裝上新框架。


Last but not least , recommendation and suggestion , which are both adaptable to the situation of shanghai ' s geometry teaching and suitable for the second reform on curriculum , are made to reframe the exercises of geometry 在比較、分析的基礎上,提出既適應上海幾何教育現狀,又順應二期課改理念的平面幾何習題的設想與建議。

What are you going to about the poor performance of puodrct x ? reframe the question positively : “ what plans do you have to build sales for product x ? 某產品銷路不好,你們打算怎么辦?應正面提問: “你們計劃怎樣提高某產品的銷售額?

He has he mental agility to reframe issues , ideas , and perspectives from multiple angles , that ' s rare leadership talent 他頭腦敏捷,能從多個角度構思各種問題、想法和觀點。這是一種罕見的領導才能。

We recommend that the government reframe the soc debate as part of the development of a multi - purpose 我們建議特區政府重新厘定有關管制計劃的辯論模式,作為發展多用途

Support women seeking to reframe laws and programmes to promote gender equality and reduce stigma 支持婦女推動社會性別平等和消除社會歧視的法律修訂和項目實施。

Reframe the question positively . “ what plans do you have to build sales for product x ? 你們將采取什么措施提高x產品的銷售?