
refrain vi.1.抑制,自制,忍住。2.戒除(煙、酒等)。3.避...


On the quot; refrain reiteration quot; art in the new poems 新時期現代派詩歌的意象藝術

Please refrain from going near the windows or doors 請不要離窗戶或門太近

Will you all join in singing the refrain , please 請大家一道來唱副歌好嗎

Let ' s hope they will refrain from hostile actions 希望他們不采取敵對行動。

Ifyou refrain from any sort of verbal description ofthe items 如果你只在腦海里描述

Her boyfriend refrained from smoking in her house 她的男友抑制自己不在她屋內抽煙。

Refrain o come , thou day - spring , come and cheer 好信徒著謹慎敬畏,救主出世為罪人。

So if you want to love me , then darling don ' t refrain 想讓愛重來,不要猶豫。

And anytime you feel the pain , hey jude , refrain , 你感到痛苦,隨時隨地,嘿猶大,不要,

A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing 有擁抱,也有逃避擁抱的時候

Refraining from producing speech or vocal sound 緘默的不說話的或不發出聲音的

Was the refrain that kept , sounding in his ears 是反復震響在他頭腦里的調子。

Refrain from cigarettes even , if possible 師父:不吸毒,如果可能的話甚至不吸煙。

Refrain from seeking personal favor at the expense of principle 不拿原則換人情

Refrain from keeping live birds where possible 盡量避免在院舍機構內飼養禽鳥。

You must refrain from smoking in this area 在這個區域,你必須克制自己不抽煙。

Refrain from saying something that you ' ll regret later 千萬別說事后就后悔的話。

Pending the establishment of an international regime, states and persons were bound to refrain from all activities of exploitation of the resources of the area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction . 在國際制度尚未建立以前,所有國家及個人均不得對各國管轄范圍以外區域的資源進行任何開發活動。

Judith could not refrain from smiling, when she found how simply and naturally the conversation had come round to the very point at which she had aimed to bring it . 尤蒂絲忍不住笑了,她發覺談話竟這么簡單而自然地轉移到她企圖引到的話題上。