
refractory adj.1.不聽話的,難駕馭的,倔強的,執拗的。2.加工...


Shaped refractory products - sampling and acceptance testing 定形耐火制品抽樣驗收規則

Unshaped refractory products - sampling for testing 不定型耐火產品.試驗取樣

Shaped insulating refractory products - classification 定形隔熱耐火制品的分類

Regulations of dust control for refractory enterprises 耐火材料企業防塵規程

Test method for pier test for refractory mortars 耐火灰漿的耐火性的試驗方法

Chemical analysis of aluminous cement for refractories 耐火材料用礬土水泥的化學分析

Unshaped refractory products - characterization as received 不定型耐火產品.標準特征

Classification of steel pouring pit fireclay refractories 鋼澆鑄槽用耐火材料的分類

Unshaped refractory products . sampling for testing 不定型耐火產品.試驗用取樣

Disintegration of carbon refractories by alkali 用強堿法測定含碳耐火材料的破碎程度

Method of inspection for dimension of refractory bricks 耐火磚尺寸的檢查方法

Test method for creep in compression of refractory products 耐火制品壓蠕變試驗方法

Standard test method for permeability of refractories 耐火材料滲透性的標準試驗方法

Unshaped refractory products . characterization as received 不定型耐火產品.驗收特性

Dense fireclay and high alumina castable refractories 粘土質和高鋁質致密耐火澆注料

Standard classification of mullite refractories 富鋁紅柱石耐火材料的標準分類

Chemical analysis methods for zircon refractories 鋯英石耐火材料化學分析方法

Unshaped refractory products . tests for preformed shapes 不定型耐火產品.預成型試驗

Refractory ceramic fibre products - determination of resilience 回彈性試驗方法