
refractometer n.【物理學】折射計;屈光計。


Thirdly , the conclusions of the two aspect applications are given as follows : the exploration of the application of the evaporation duct prediction to the flux relationship research and evaporation duct predicting shows that based on this predicting method and with microwave refractometer , as sensor , ( 1 ) the dimensionless gradient function of temperature , humidity and refractivity in the flux relationships can be determined with higher precision , ( 2 ) the limitations of conventional observations on the predicting accuracy for evaporation duct can be avoided and the precise prediction for evaporation duct can be obtained with the accurate measurement of refractivity profile within a few meters . the radar performance under given evaporation 三、對兩個應用問題的討論表明:基于本文發展的蒸發波導預測理論,使用微波折射率儀為傳感器: ( 1 )開展通量關系研究時,可以用于邊界層溫度、濕度和折射率無量綱梯度函數的精確測定和得到蒸發波導環境預測所需的偽折射率參數化函數關系; ( 2 )預測蒸蒸發波導環境特性和傳播特性及其應用研究發波導環境時可以避免使用傳統氣海界面要素測量中存在的局限,并用折射率音d面不太高的精確測量結果精確預測蒸發波導環境。

In view of the potential of mzi ( mach - zehnder interferometer ) sensing structures , useful features of arrow ( antiresonant reflecting optical waveguide ) and promising future applications of refractometers , mzi refractometers based on polymeric arrow structure are studied in this thesis 基于mzi ( mach - zehnderinterferometer )傳感結構的巨大發展潛力, arrow ( antiresonantreflectingopticalwaveguide )波導的突出優點以及折射儀應用的廣闊前景,本文對聚合物arrow結構的mzi折射率測量芯片進行了研究。

Major products : water quality testing monitoring instrument : ph meter , conductivity meter , tds meters , orp meter ; pna meter , salt meter ; rotary speed measurement of the machinery manufacturing equipment : many functions tachometer ; air quality testing instrument : thermometer , hygrometer ; others : refractometer , water pump 主要產品:水質檢測監控儀: ph酸度計ec電導率儀tds計orp氧化還原計鈉度計鹽度計機械制造設備轉速測量:多功能轉速表光電轉速表空氣質量檢測儀:數字溫度計溫濕度表光學檢測儀器:折射儀以及污水潛水泵。

Whether users are checking the “ ripeness “ of fruit in the field , verifying product quality after harvesting , or controlling concentrations during processing and packaging , refractometers provide critical information to ensure product quality 因為手持折射儀是通過測量溶液的折射率工作的,所以糖度折射儀被延伸使用在所有工業的化學溶液的濃度測量和溶液配制,如切割液磨削液和電鍍液等等。

Utilizing breakthrough electro - optical and rotary prism technology , the sjr - 9900crt , our new auto refractometer , is capable of obtaining perfectly direct and accurate measurement results 采用突破性光學電路設計和專利棱鏡技術,我公司最新sjk 9900電腦驗光儀將使您獲得最直接精確的測量結果。

Sphere diopter 0sjr 188 series auto refractometers adopt fashionable fogging target measurement system , which comfort the whole detection process and enhance measurement accuracy 采用國際流行的云霧驗光法使您在測試過程中更舒服更準確更方便。

Abstract : the composing and controling principles of microcontroller control system of computerized subjective refractometer are introduced 文摘:介紹了電腦驗光儀單片機控制系統的組成原理和控制原理。

This hand refractometer rhl - 300 is used for measuring the refractive index of vegetable oil , petroleum , oil slicks , etc 潤滑油折射計rhl - 300手持折射儀適用于測量石油潤滑油食品油等的折射率。

Standard test method for use of the refractometer for field test determination of the freezing point of aqueous engine coolants 現場試驗測定含水發動機冷卻劑凍結點用折射計的使用標準試驗方法

Standard test method for pore water extraction and determination of the soluble salt content of soils by refractometer 用折射計測定土壤中可溶鹽含量和孔隙抽水的標準試驗方法

Test method for use of the refractometer for field test determination of the freezing point of aqueous engine coolants 發動機水成冷卻劑現場測定冰點折射計使用試驗方法

An investigation on increasing accurcy of alcohol content measurement by abbe refractometer 提高用阿貝折射儀測定乙醇含量的準確度

Testing of mineral oils ; measurement of refractive index with the precision refractometer 礦物油的檢驗.用精密折射計測量折射率

V - prism refractometer V棱鏡折射儀

Use of the refractometer for determining nonvolatile matter total solids in floor polishes 測定地板擦亮劑中的不揮發物質

Serum protein refractometer 血清蛋白折射計

Abbe testing of mineral oils ; measurement of refractive index with the abbe - refractometer 礦物油的檢驗.使用阿勃

Urine specific gravity refractometer 尿比重折射計

Verification regulation of the standard device of vertex power for refractometers 驗光儀頂焦度標準器檢定規程