
refract vt.【物理學】(水、玻璃等)折射(光線等);【化學】分...


Hundred years red wine strokes thecrystal clear crystal wine class fragrance and mellowness , the coloredglaze fruit tray refracts the foreign land infinite fluttering flagsscenery 百年的紅酒撫摸晶瑩水晶酒杯的醇香,琉璃果盤折射異域無限旖旎風光。

Light - diffusing particles , which reflect and refract light striking the skin ' s surface , making your skin appear smoother , more even and wrinkle - free 蘊含柔光粒子,改善肌膚紋理,使用后膚色更均勻、柔滑、細致,有效減少皺紋和幼紋產生。

Corrects - light - diffusing particles reflect and refract light striking the skin ' s surface , making your skin appear smoother , more even and wrinkle - free 3修護?含有柔光粒子,改善肌膚紋理,使膚色更均勻、柔滑、細致,有效減少皺紋和幼紋。

It indicates that the developed countries “ want the money to weigh further “ and refracts the unequal trading tie of the present world 它是國際經貿領域中強勢意志的體現,表明發達國家“要錢更要權” ,折射出當今世界不平等的經貿關系。

Prism effect . a rainbow pattern appears on the refracted light caustics . the right picture is the same effect on the sphere object from tutorial 1 棱鏡效果一個彩虹圖案顯現在折射光的焦散里。右圖是教程一里的球出現同樣的效果。

The nationality of metaphor refracts the characteristic of cognition , and we can elucidate it thoroughly utilizing the knowledge of cognitive language 隱喻的民族性折射出其認知性特點,因而可以運用認知語言學知識進行深入闡釋。

When there are water droplets in the atmosphere , for instance when rain has fallen , sunlight will get refracted i . e . bent in a water droplet 當大氣中有水滴時,例如下雨時,太陽光線便會被水滴折射即是改變前進方向。

The present situation of jiangxi god ' s worship and the sacrificial offering deportment refracts the primitive people “ rentouji “ the totem trace 江西儺神崇拜與祭祀儀態現狀折射出原始生民“人頭祭”圖騰痕跡。

Trust is one of the basic problems of human society ; it refracts the social individuals “ basic faiths to the natural instincts 信任問題是人類社會的基本問題之一,它折射出社會個體對于人類本性的基本信念。

This is similar , but not equal to , seeing an object in or out of focus . there are three kinds of telescopes : the refracting telescopes 基本來說,望遠鏡主要有三大類:折射望遠鏡反射望遠鏡和折反射式望遠鏡。

4 perez jj , bellot j , claramonate p , et al . laser in situ keratomileusis to correct high myopia . j cataract refract surg 1997 ; 23 : 312 2王濤.準分子激光治療高度近視的臨床進展.國外醫學眼科學分冊1996 ; 20 : 321

The reflections and refractions raytrace material generates are more accurate than those produced by the reflect / refract map 光線追蹤材質所產生的反射和折射效果要比反射/折射貼圖所產生的效果更加精確。

All tones are holographic and within all tones are all other tones that when refracted or split apart will be perceived 所有音調都是全息的,當被檢驗或分解時將可以看到所有音調內部都有所有其他的音調。

The water refracted the sunlight in different directions ; the play of sunlight brightening the colors of the water and creatures in it 海水將陽光朝不同方向折射,這使水中生物的顏色格外鮮明生動。

Further the iterative method for reconstructing the density distribution of strongly refracting plasma was theoretically studied 此外,在理論上還研究了對強折射等離子體重建密度分布的迭代算法。

Because it ' s good capability in refracting infrared ray , ge lenses was widely used in infrared optical system 這對國內小型非球面加工研究是很有意義的。紅外系統中非球面鍺透鏡應用普遍。

Blue light has a shorter wavelength and is refracted more than light with a longer wavelength such as red light 藍光由于波長較短,其被折射的幅度會比紅光等較長波長的光為大。

In fact , the phenomenon is caused by the light that is refracted through atmospheric stratums of different density 但其實這種現象是由于光透過不同密度的氣層折射而成的。

Be based on oo and dynamic design environment ' s xp add refracting , i say it as “ dynamic design “ 基于面向對象,動態開發環境的xp加上重構,我稱之為“動態設計” 。