
reformer n.改革者,革新者;〔R-〕宗教改革者;選舉法修正論者。


It is believed that martin luther , the protestant reformer , was the first to add lighted candles to the tree 一般認為是新教改革家馬丁路德第一個點亮了書上的燭光。

Shangluo municipality perched on the southeast of shaanxi , historically it was the fiefdom of sang yang , a reformer 商洛市位于陜西東南部,是歷史上商鞅的封地。

The constitutional reformers sought to stretch the boundaries to include the ethnic groups other than the han 另一方面,黃帝符號亦自有其內在的歧義與緊張。

Junichiro koizumi , a reformer with a nationalist tinge , was elected prime minister of japan on april 26 帶有民族主義傾向的改革者小泉純一郎4月26日當選日本首相。

Even less explanatory of the life of the peoples is the history of the lives of writers and reformers 著作家和改革家的歷史更少向我們說明各民族的生活。

13 this is a matter which has been too little considered , both by moralists and by social reformers 在這件事上,道德家和社會改革家都考慮得太少了。

In the 1980s such debate was part of a bitter struggle between conservatives and reformers 在80年代類似的討論是保守派和改革派斗爭的一部分。

1801 lord shaftesbury , british social reformer and prime minister , was born in london 英國社會改革家、英國首相沙夫茨伯里勛爵生于倫敦。

A pavior and flagger that s the famous bloom now , the world s greatest reformer 呃,那就是遐邇聞名的布盧姆,世界上最偉大的改革家。

Such bipartisanship will do something to burnish his reputation as a reformer 這樣的兩黨合作將對凸顯布什作為改革者的聲譽或有助益。

The social reformers are of the opinion that they have more serious things to consider 社會改革家們認為他們有更重要的事情要考慮。

The social reformers are of the opinion that they have more serious things to consider 社會變革者總是認為他們有更重要的事要做。

The paperless hospital has long been a goal of health - care reformers 無紙醫院一直以來都是衛生保健改革者們所追求的目標之一。

The reformers will have to overcome some big political and practical problems 改革派必須解決一些重大的政治問題和實際問題。

Martin luther was a reformer , and was martyred for it , so was martin luther king 馬丁路德是一位改革者,愿意為此被逐出教。

The same is true of the more modern reformers and benefactors of their race 近代那些改革家,各民族的救星,也都如此。

His early experience turn him into a passionate social reformer 他早年的經歷使他變成了一個狂熱的社會改革者。

He have project himself as a reformer in the presidential campaign 他在總統競選中曾以改革者的姿態出現。

But it also revealed the rising influence of legal reformers 但同時也顯示要求司法改革的力量正在增長。