
reformatory adj.起改革[革新]作用的;起改良作用的。n.教養院;...


Thereby , this article analyzes the theoretical basis of this system and the current problems and their causes of chinese system of civil litigation expenses by comparing those systems of other states and districts . after that , this article brings forward some reformatory measures 鑒于此,本文力圖通過考察訴訟費用制度的理論基礎,比較其他國家和地區相關立法,深入分析我國現行民事訴訟費用制度存在的問題及其根源,并提出了一些針對性的改革方案。

Adjacent to the kaohsiung juvenile detention center is the kaohsiung juvenile reformatory school . the education director there thinks much along the same lines as we do . he permits us to conduct large spiritual seminars at the center from time to time , with one - to - one counseling every week 高雄訊與高雄少年觀護所毗鄰的是高雄少年輔育院,教導組長觀念與我們十分契合,于是讓我們有機會到院中舉辦不定期的大型心靈講座,及每星期一對一認輔工作。

The article also disposes advantage and disadvantage of different relationship models by comparing “ the relationship of france , germany , italian , japan , united kingdom and united states . part three points out present police and procurator relationship of our country and reformatory measures 文章分別對大陸法系中的法國、德國、日本、意大利和英、美法系中的英國、美國的檢警關系進行簡要介紹和評析,揭示出不同檢警制度的利弊。

In addition , after being initiated , brother li began to participate earnestly in adolescent counseling , periodically visiting and advising the young residents of a local reformatory and also counseling misbehaving students in his job at the vocational training center 印心后,李師兄熱心參與青少年輔導工作,每二三周就到觀護所輔導青少年朋友,平時也經常利用工作之便,輔導職訓所內一些行為偏差的學生。

The governments at different levels adopted a series of reformatory measures and reduced the number of items for administrative examination and approbation . however , some new questions and phenomenon have appeared along the procedure of reformation 自去年下半年起,在全國范圍內展開了行政審批制度的改革,并已取得了初步成效:各級政府相繼制定了一系列改革措施,削減行政審批項目。

The cooperative stock enterprise is an important reformatory form for the middle or small enterprises in china . objectively , there is some insufficiency in some aspects ; however , the rationality of this reformatory enterprise ' s form is obvious and doubtless 股份合作企業是我國中小企業改革的重要形式,雖然股份合作企業在制度上存在一定的局限性,但其改革的現實性是比較明顯的。

We could foresee that the stock index futures would be introduced orderly after the reformatory of the share owner - ship separation of the state - control joint - stock companies on the stock market , because it helps the development of chinese capital market 可以預見在不久的將來,隨著股權分置改革的順利完成,股指期貨將有序的推出,因為這符合國家建設多層次資本市場的需要。

Article 43 the families , schools and other units concerned shall coordinate , in educating and redeeming the delinquent minors , with the reformatories for juvenile delinquents and other similar units where the delinquent minors are held 第四十三條家庭和學校及其他有關單位,應當配合違法犯罪未成斫人所在的少年犯管教所等單位,共同做好違法犯罪未成年人的教育挽救工作。

Reformatory superintendent mr . huang chin - te was deeply moved , and presented us with a flag of honor in recognition of the spirit of sacrifice shown by the supreme master ching hai international association and its members 少觀所黃所長非常感動地表示,清海無上師及同修如此照顧弱勢團體,這種犧牲奉獻的精神實在令人感佩,于是特頒發錦旗一面,以資表揚。

On march 14 , 2002 , almost twenty formosan fellow initiates received a rousing welcome from teachers and students upon arriving at the taoyuan reformatory to hold a soul - elevating video seminar and share master s teachings 桃園訊3月14日,福爾摩沙近二十位同修來到桃園少年輔育院,舉辦心靈講座。當同修們步入院內禮堂時,立即受到全院師生熱烈的歡迎。

On the morning of january 31 , more than a hundred of us arrived at the kaohsiung juvenile reformatory , much to the surprise of the young inmates , who had never seen such a large group come to entertain them 元月31日上午,當一百多位同修來到高雄少年觀護所時,立即吸引獄中學員們驚喜的眼光,因為幾乎不曾有團體以如此浩大的陣容進入獄所舉行文康活動。

The marketization of entrepreneurial choice mechanism of stated - owned enterprises is a complicated reformatory process , which is influenced by entrepreneurial market and corporate governance structure and scale of enterprises and so on 國有企業企業家選擇機制市場化是一項復雜的改革過程,它受到企業家市場、企業治理結構、企業規模等因素的影響。

Public security organs , people ' s procuratorates , people ' s courts and reformatories for juvenile delinquents shall respect the personal dignity of the delinquent minors and safeguard their lawful rights and interests 公安機關、人民檢察院、人民法院和少年犯管教所,應當尊重違法犯罪的未成年人的人格尊嚴,保障他們的合法權益。

Master patrick aloysius dignam came out of mangan s , late fehrenbach s , carrying a pound and a half of porksteaks . - there was a big spread out at glencree reformatory , lenehan said eagerly . the annual dinner you know “那一次格倫克里的感化院舉行了盛大的宴會112 , ”利內翰起勁地說, “要知道,那是一年一度的午餐會。

This is the story of a non - clergy teacher , william franklin , who is hired at a catholic reformatory school near a small village in ireland in 1939 shortly after his fighting in the spanish civil war 本片改編自一部揭露三十年代愛爾蘭一間男童院陰暗面的自傳。男主角剛打完西班牙內戰回國,滿有理想,相信詩歌可改變人心。

The tradition way of football teaching stresses skills but ignore human value and meaning that is an oppression to human nature and not accord with the reformatory demand of the high academy pe course 摘要傳統的高校足球教學強調技術教學,忽視人的價值和意義,是對人性的一種壓抑,是不符合當前高校體育課程改革要求的。

The part discusses reformatory schemes at the fiscal policy , the tax policy , the concerned matching measures aspect , for the disadvantageous factors in current policies 主要是從財政政策、稅收政策和振興老基地相關配套措施三部分來闡述的,針對當前財稅內容摘要政策中妨礙老工業基地振興不利因素,提出相關改革方案。

As the gentle spring breeze blew over central formosa on march 6 , 1999 , fellow practitioners from the changhua center set out for the juvenile reformatory school in neighboring tienchung township 彰化訊一九九九年三月六日,春陽乍露,微風輕拂,彰化小中心的同修帶著師父的愛,再次造訪彰化縣田中鎮少年輔育院。

Actions of disciplinary warnings : disciplinary warnings ; reprimands ; recording of points for violation ; recording of times of violation ; reformatory courses , supplemental training classes or other similar actions 四、警告性處分:警告、告誡、記點、記次、講習、輔導教育或其他相類似之處分。