
reformative adj.1.改革的,改良的;改造的。2.=reforma...


Thus , this article describes the optimizing of essential production factors and relevant dynamic management as well . in allusion to existing problems in construction project management , the author brings forward some reformative advice , which are instructive to architectural business and construction enterprises 本人認為研究施工項目管理問題,不僅要研究施工項目的進度、質量和成本等目標管理問題,還應該重點研究施工項目生產要素的管理問題,因此,本文對施工項目生產要素的管理也進行了闡述。

The third chapter lists a few actual cases relative to the scheme of check - up system on effective performance concerning management of human resources , the reformative scheme for management of human resources in enterprises , process of implementation and way of operation 第三章介紹人力資源管理績效考核方案設計的實際案例。講述了企業人力資源管理改革的方案設計、實施過程和操作方法,同時了介紹了詳細的績效管理考核設計方案,以更好地說明績效考核體系的設計思想和方法。

Considering of the differences of task scheduling between a grid and a distributed system , this dissertation designs a real number encoded mode that mapping every task to a random resource directly by improving the encoding mode of the traditional genetic algorithm , and gives a particular design to the encoding and decoding mode . at last , this algorithm is simulated in the grid simulator . the experiment results show that the reformative genetic algorithm not only has a holistic searching ability , but also makes a fast convergent speed , which provides a preferable performance 本文根據網格計算任務調度的特點,提出了基于改進的遺傳算法的網格任務調度,通過對傳統遺傳算法的編碼方式進行改進,針對網格任務調度與一般分布式系統任務調度的不同之處,設計了資源?任務的一一對應的實數編碼方法,詳細設計了其編碼及解碼方式,最后在網格模擬器中進行了模擬,實驗數據證明了改進后的遺傳算法即具有全局搜索能力,又具有較快的收斂速度,具有較好的性能,該實驗達到了本文以實現任務調度的最優跨度為目標的實驗目的。

Finally , the paper analyzes transmission congestion to the line attain over a long period of time what degree should consider an extension or build a new line to eliminate congestion , from opportunity cost angle . the paper gives a presentation on the challenge that transmission network planning faces and its basic way of thinking in power market environment . the paper also proposed a methodology for transmission network planning based on reformative congestion sensitivity indices 文章最后,從機會成本角度分析了長期阻塞線路的阻塞達到何種程度時該考慮擴建或新建線路用于消除阻塞,簡要介紹了電力市場環境下電網規劃面臨的挑戰及其基本思路,并提出了改進的基于阻塞靈敏度因子的電網規劃方法,發展和豐富了電力市場環境下電網的輸電阻塞管理研究。

Part two : the reformation scheme of the present reeducation system and its reflection . this part has three points . in the first point , it analyzes the reasons of “ existence theory “ and the basic contents of the four typical reformative plans ; in the second point , it expounds the reasons of “ abolition theory “ ; in the third point , it shows that the author is in favor of the “ abolition theory “ through evaluating the two above theories 第二部分:當前勞動教養制度的改革方案及其反思本部分包括三點內容,第一點分析了“存置論”的理由和四種代表性改革方案的基本內容:第二點分析了“廢除論”的理由;第三點對“存置論”和“廢除論”進行評價并表明自己贊同“廢除論”的觀點。

This paper points out four reformative measures in mathematics classroom teaching : lecturer - style “ introduction to new course “ yields to presenter - style “ situation creation “ ; simple lecturing shifts to interaction between the teacher and students ; supplementary exercise is replenished with reflections ; exhausted and detailed lecturing changes to leaving some room for students to explore 數學開放題促進數學課堂教學的變革主要體現在:說書人式的“導入新課”讓位于主持人般的“情境創設” ;單純講授改為師生互動;鞏固練習中加入質疑反思;從講細講透到留有余地。

Based on the result of theory analysis and experiments , the practical software dbtrc1 . 0 for calculating the temperature rise of drum brake is programmed . some suggestions of reformative measures are also given to prevent the drum brake from heat fade on one actual road for vehicles by using dbtrc1 . 0 本研究還根據理論分析和實驗的結果,編制了具有一定實用性的鼓式制動器溫升計算軟件dbtrc1 . 0 ,并對具體的路段進行了車輛制動器溫升計算分析,進而提出了防止出現汽車制動效能熱衰退的安全措施。

This paper also give the hardware structure chart of 80c196kc single chip by combined with the design demand . on the hand of data fitting , we use the reformative bp neural network to fitting data , and resolve the coupling question of the tested parameter smoothly , the reformative neural network is more effective than normal neural network 在數據擬合方面,采用改進的bp神經網絡對數據進行擬合,很好地解決了本課題中所涉及的多個相互耦合的被測參數的解耦問題,同常規bp神經網絡數據擬合相比,減小了計算量,節省了檢測系統在檢測過程中的計算時間。

To implement four reformative projects , namely internationalization , professionalism , activation and information orientation . in addition to the action talent training class to bring up the new generations of reserve supervisors to maintain the permanent operation of the enterprise , we will also carry out the enterprise s educational training programs comprehensively to develop human resources with efforts 推行國際化、專業化、活力化及資訊化的四化改革工作,除舉辦憶聲菁英育成班,培訓中生代儲備主管,為企業永續經營籌畫接班大計外,亦全面推動企業教育訓練,全力開發人力資源。

Finally , the paper summarized all research conclusions , and proposed some reformative advices on such techniques of the rbcc secondary combustion organization , including the necessity , the feasibility and the practical value of hardware and software being migrated to a single chip in the future were also referred , so that some theoretic provisions and tech supports are offered to the investigations of rbcc 最后,本文總結了將模糊控制方法應用于rbcc二次燃燒組織方面的研究結論,并提出改進建議,包括未來將有關軟、硬件系統移植到單片機上的必要性、可行性和實際價值等等。論文的工作將為rbcc燃燒組織的進一步縱深研究提供一定的理論準備和技術支持。

According to the characteristic of the local electric net , this paper connects expert system with microsoft vc + + by using oop technique . and it designs the rule - base which is classed and graded . it achieves intelligent setting of the protection based on the reformative expert system 本文結合地方電網的實際特點,利用面向對象的技術將專家系統與vc + +結合,設計了基于對象的分類分級管理的規則庫,從而實現了改進專家系統的繼電保護智能整定計算。

After this , three reformative fid controllers are put forward in this paper . they are integral - separated fid controller shift integral fdd controller and differential ahead fid controller . they further improve network performances , but the enhancement is not good enough 繼普通pid控制之后,設計了三種改進的pid控制器,即積分分離pid 、變速積分pid及微分先行pid控制器,這類改進的pid控制器進一步改善了系統性能,但其效果不明顯。

This paper takes work on the theoretic deduction , numerical analysis , optimal parameter and numerical emulation to study the mega - sub controlled frame . using the conclusion , a reformative structural form is introduced ; it is named the multiple mega - sub controlled frame in this paper 本文從理論推導、數值分析、優化仿真等方面對巨型框架減振結構進行了深入研究,并對結構形式進行了改進,提出了巨型框架復合減振結構體系。

This paper also discussed the caculating of index weight the thesis adopted reformative ahp and fuzzy clustering method to calculate relatively important degree weight of index . through specialist ' s grade , this article use principle of collecting value counts to calculate reliable degree weights 應用改進ahp法與模糊聚類相結合的方法確定了指標相對重要度權重,通過專家打分,運用集值統計原理計算出指標可靠度權重。

It aims to revisit dickens ' s early life to see how incidents of this period are transformed in his fiction , and how the newly - found evidence of the so - called “ blacking poems “ modifies former conclusions , whether the experience is seen as destructive or reformative 這些詩和小說中的種種描述顯示,童年時期的創痛經驗成就了作家的創作,令狄更斯的作品具有的強大的感染力。

Considering the reformative actuality of teacher - training education , the article analyzes the constitution of information quality and the necessity and the way to develop the information quality education of teachers college students 摘要從我國高等師范教育改革的實際出發,分析了信息素質的構成及師范院校大學生信息素質教育的必要性,探討了大學生信息素質教育的途徑。

The reformative and opening social environment of our country has greatly accelerated the development of the science of policy making since the third plenary session of the eleventh central committee of the chinese communist party 黨的十?屆三中全會后,我國改革開放的社會環境有力地促進了決策科學的發展和繁榮。

Abstract : this article discusses the present situation of book and information centers at colleges and deals with some reformative tendency for information service mode in the campus network environment 文摘:本文剖析了當前高校院系資料室現狀,探討了基于網絡環境下資料室的信息服務變革趨勢。

In the technique of fusion on night vision images , reformative algorithms of false color fusion on lll and ir images and a series of derivative algorithms are put forward 在夜視圖像融合技術方面,提出了微光圖像和紅外圖像假彩色融合的改進算法,并探索研究出一系列衍生算法。