
reformable adj.可改革的;可改正的;可革除的;可矯正的,可感化的...


Through investigation and analysis of the academic library reader requirements under the credit system , this paper points out the challenge that the credit system form to the academic library , and responds adoptable and reformable approach 摘要本文通過在學分制實施下高校圖書館讀者閱讀現狀調查分析,得出高校實行學分制教學制度對圖書館形成的嚴重挑戰,提出了應采取的對策和進行改革的途徑。

Tutoring is a tough job , especially when she meets the impossible , the unconquerable and the un - reformable ji - hoon . although they are at the same age , ji - hoon is repeating his senior year for the third time ?地第一次見面已經令張柏珠受盡羞辱及威嚇,她簡直想一支箭掉頭走,但一想到?樣走就會連累在家父母,唯有硬著頭皮頂硬上。

In order to reform those criminals who have committed crimes punishable by death but who may still be reformable , china has created a unique system of a death penalty with a two - year reprieve 為了改造那些犯有死罪但還有可能改造的罪犯,中國獨創了判處死刑緩期二年執行的制度。