
reform vt.1.改革,改良,革新(制度、事業等)。2.矯正(品...

reform bill

She introduced permanent social and medical reforms in english life . 她在英國人的生活中推行持久的社會和醫療改革。

Any really powerful movement of reform will have to be international . 任何真正有力的改革運動都應當是國際性的。

Elsewhere the municipal reform movement followed a similar pattern . 其它各地的市政改革運動,采取了類似的方式。

I was not a rake, but i assure you i have reformed . 我還不至于是個浪子,但是我可以肯定地告訴你我已經回頭了。

The boy's first impulse was to be grateful, and reform . 這孩子的第一個沖動的念頭就是謝天謝地,準備改過自新。

Substantial policy reforms have also been undertaken in bangladesh . 孟加拉國也已經推行了根本性的政策改革。

Our humble family early embraced the reformed religion . 我們這個地位低下的人家很早就投入了宗教改革運動。

Provided we do all this , we shall assuredly succeed in our reform . 如果大家都這樣,改革就一定能成功。

I've got to go to the united states to make my fortune and reform . 我得去美國,去立業發跡,改造品行。

The first item on wilson's reform schedule was tariff revision . 威爾遜立法表上列于首位的是修改關稅。

I do not want to get sucked into the row about school reform . 我不愿意牽扯到這場學制改革的爭論之中。

Before the land reform my family had n't a single room or a strip of land . 土改以前,我家地無一壟。

All you reformed bastards, you used to have plenty of fun . 你們自己以前玩兒夠了,現在浪子回頭了。

The reform may be seen as temporary rather than permanent . 改革可能被認為是暫時的,而不是永久的。

I do not wish, however, to embark upon the subject of penal reform . 但我并不想在此談論刑法改革。

He was brought down by those who hated reform and the west . 他是被仇恨改革和仇恨西方的人打倒的。

He is a reformed criminal who may yet backslide . 他是個經過改造的罪犯,然而仍有可能故態復萌。

She is got some starry-eyed notion about reforming society . 她對社會改革有些異想天開的想法。

This gives expression to the national aspirations for reforms . 這反映了全國要求改革的心聲。