
reforest vt.,vi.重新造林。


Some particular measures to be taken are as the followings : ( 1 ) to establish a uniform harmony mechanism in the river basin in order to have a general plan for wetland protection and utilization ; ( 2 ) to combine the existing protection districts according to lake drainage area and species distribution , and to construct new wetland protection region in order to solve problems in management districts ; ( 3 ) to develop wetland restoration and reconstruction ; ( 4 ) to carry out reforesting in formerly cultivated land and to construct shelter forest of the yangtze river in order to control soil erosion and to preserve the water resource ; ( 5 ) to protect and utilize reasonably the wetland resources in the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze river ; ( 6 ) to strengthen the research of wetland science 具體可采取以下措施:在流域內建立統一協調機制,對流域濕地進行保護與合理利用,合理布局,統一規劃;按湖泊流域和物種分布整合現有保護區,建立新的濕地保護區,解決目前管理上的制約問題;大力開展濕地修復重建;推進退耕還林、長江防護林等工程建設,發揮森林治理水土流失、涵養水源的作用;在保護的前提下科學合理地利用長江中下游濕地資源,開拓新的生產力;同時加強濕地科學研究。

It urges a reforesting of cleared areas and promotion of a reducing part ( reduced - impact ) logging and sustainable agriculture , to slow or reverse damage to the rainforest 其督促退耕還林以及倡導(不利)影響減輕的伐木也和可持續性農業,以減低或者逆轉對雨林的破壞。

I intend that humans cease to deforest and reforest those regions that have been deforested 我希望人類停止濫砍伐,并對那些已經過度砍伐的森林重新造林。

The us state of maryland will plant a total of 360 trees to help reforest the city of annapolis 美國馬里蘭州將種植三百六十株樹,協助安那波利斯市綠化。

The best way to undo the problem of soil erosion is to reforest the cultivated land 解決水土流失問題的最好辦法是退耕還林

The government is making strenuous efforts to reforest the hill 政府正作出艱苦的努力在山上重新造林。