
reflexive adj.1.=reflex.2.=reflective....


Similarities between being centered and entering the zone are thoughtless , reflexive action , heightened awareness of oneself and one ' s surroundings , time dilation , merged peripheral and focused vision , and diminution of physiological reflex mechanisms 這種全神貫注的狀態匯集了正值顛峰狀態的運動員的多種精神和身體方面的最佳狀態,它的特點是無思想、放松、對自己和周圍事物的清晰意識等。 。 。 。 。 。

In chapter 1 , we introduce some terminology and notation , and summarize the back - ground and the main contents of this paper . in chapter 2 . we discuss the order homomorphisms and preannihilators of reflexive modules over reflexive operator algebras 設a是hilbert空間h上的自反算子代數, u是任一自反a -模,用u _表示u在跡類算子空間t ( h )中的預零化子。

Neural networks are good candidates for performing a variety of reflexive functions in aeroengine control system because they are nonlinear , can be fault - tolerant themselves , and can learn from experience 航空發動機是一個結構復雜、非線性強的多變量控制對象。神經網絡具有非線性特性、容錯能力、學習機制,在航空發動機控制中具有得天獨厚的優勢。

Preferring to explain behavior in ways that fit science ' s methods most easily , scientists have refused to consider any causes for animal behavior other than reflexive and conditioned ones 由于傾向于用套用科學方法的形式來解釋行為,科學家們一直認為,除了反射的和條件外,沒有其他原因誘發動物的行為。

About the complex interactive image between “ cerebrum “ and “ spirit “ is one philosophical reflexive achievement , but is not the natural sciences knowledge itself achievement 關于決定精神狀況的大腦與程序化大腦的精神之間的復雜的交互圖像,是一種哲學反省的成果,而不是自然科學知識本身的成果。

Another important feature of composition aggregation is that the part class can only be related to one instance of the parent class e . g . the company class in our example . reflexive associations 組合聚合的另一個重要功能是部分類只能與父類的實例相關(舉例來說,我們例子中的company類) 。

Putting the notion of neighbor in the pattern of “ individual - community ” to have a reflexive review , it is recovered that neighbor rules correspond to essential character of modern law 把鄰居置身于“個人-共同體”序列中進行反身性考察,能夠發現鄰居規則契合了現代法律的基本氣質。

There has been much approving commentary about how french foreign policy has been freed of the reflexive anti - americanism it so often bore under mr sarkozy ' s predecessor , jacques chirac 在外交政策上,法國新總統擯棄了前任雅克?希拉克的反美大旗,因此獲得廣泛贊譽。

We proved that every closed maximal linear subspace in a banach space is strongly orthogonally complemented if and only if the space x is reflexive and strictly convex 摘要證明了閉的極大線性子空間是強正交可補的充分必要條件是,空間x是自反嚴格凸的。

I should mention that this essay is a bit self - reflexive - it deals with the dynamic of teaching mit students - and that it ' s strictly a draft 我要提到的是,這篇文章有點自我反映的意思它關于麻省理工學院的動態教學,而嚴格來說這篇文章只是一份草案。

In view of the importance of equality , the thesis proposes the paramodulaton in bofl . at beginning , we give the equality axiom set and the reflexive axiom set 接著把一階邏輯中的調解法推廣到bofl中并給出bofl中的相等公理集和反身公理集。

You create a reflexive relationship to link a column or columns in a table with another column or columns in the same table 您可以創建自反關系,將一個表中的一列或多列與同一表中的另一列或多列相鏈接。

We should apply the reasonable essence of the reflexive public administration to reinforce the value of the act of administrative enforcement 我國應用反思性公共行政的合理內核補強行政強制法的價值。

We validate that the multi - level rough set approximation induced by a sequence of reflexive relations is a special case of cbm - rs 經過驗證,二元自反關系序列下的多層粗糙集模型是cbm - rs模型的特例。

A reflexive relationship is used to compare rows within the same table . in queries , this is called a self - join . refresh data 在還原及緊接著的恢復之后,日志鏈產生分叉,從而創建一個新的恢復分支。

A self - join can be an inner join or an outer join . in database diagrams , a self - join is called a reflexive relationship 數據連接存儲在項目中,當用戶執行需要訪問數據庫的操作時,將激活這些連接。

What is the nature of this possible reflexivity and in what ways is it related to notions of rationality or pre - reflexive agency 這可能的反省性質是什麼,并且用什麼模式與合理性或前反省有關?

A critical reflexive analysis of values , attitudes , behaviours , social conditions and lifestyles is encouraged 一個對于價值、態度、行為、社會條件和生活方式自發批評性分析是鼓舞人心的。

Switch the two factors and the product remains the same . this is the reflexive property of multiplication 教師引導得出:兩個數相乘,交換因數的位置,它們的積不變。叫做乘法交換律。