
reflexion n.=reflection.


This article attempts to probe into it from such a few aspects , as follows : 1 ) electronic commerce and webtrust ; 2 ) the framework of webtrust ; 3 ) legal examination of webtrust ; 4 ) reflexion on the liability mechanism of webtrust 本文擬從以下幾個方面進行初步地探討和研究:其一,電子商務與網譽認證;其二,網譽認證制度的基本框架;其三,網譽認證中的合法性審查;其四,對網譽認證法律責任機制的思考。

Taian electric , together with fibrelight reflexion ( hk ) limited create the fuxun technology company . china electric co . , ltd capital invest as a shareholder in the same year 由香港富維實業fibrelightreflexion ( hk ) limited與臺安電機合資創立富迅科技(股)公司,同年三月并由中國電器股份有限公司增資入股。

Taian electric , together with fibrelight reflexion limited create the fuxun technology company . china electric co . , ltd capital invest as a shareholder in the same year 由香港富維實業fibrelight reflexion hk limited與臺安電機合資創立富迅科技股公司,同年三月并由中國電器股份有限公司增資入股。

Transforming turning point into vitality - lnvestigation and reflexion on how party organization in state enterprises plays a political key role under new circumstances 國有企業黨組織在新形勢下發揮政治核心作用的調查與思考

“ for any one but yourself , “ madame merle mentally observed ; but the reflexion was perfectly inaudible “除了你自己, ”梅爾夫人在心里說,但這樣的話,別人當然是聽不到的。

Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness equal or greater than 6 mm reflexion method 厚度等于或大于6毫米的鋼板制品的超聲波檢驗

Reflexions and suggestions on current development of consumer credit in china 對當前我國發展消費信貸的思考及建議

Reflexion zur f hrenden position in der historischen bewertung von preu en 對普魯士歷史評價中主流觀點的反思

Colours . white and colour standards by reflexion 顏色.用反射作用的白色和顏色標準樣品

“for any one but yourself,“ madame merle mentally observed; but the reflexion was perfectly inaudible . “除了你自己,”梅爾夫人在心里說,但這樣的話,別人當然是聽不到的。