
reflex adj.1. 反射的,反射性的,有反應的,有反射作用的。...


Rsd reflex sympathetic dystrophy 交感神經反射障礙病癥

- reflex , l guess . - why is that 條件反射吧為什么呢?

The moon reflex the light of the sun 月亮反射太陽的光

It ' s just a dog ' s reflex movement 這正是狗的反射運動。

High power radial reflex klystron oscillator with virtual cathode 新型高功率虛陰極徑向反射速調管振蕩器

Since when , kip ? you have the worst reflexes of all time 什么時候開始的,科普?你的運動神經是最糟糕的

Gasps - just reflex . es . don ' t worry 神經反射罷了,別緊張

Illuminating surface of a reflex reflextor 反射鏡的光照面

Foot reflex zone massage basic 15hrs 足部反射區按摩技能21

I ' m not going to sugarcoat it . i ' ve seen roadkill with faster reflexes 不是我說的,他這反應也太慢了

Gasps ) - just reflex . . es . don ' t worry 神經反射罷了,別緊張

Examination of forged seals and imprints of photopolymer reflex plates 感光樹脂版偽造印章印文的檢驗

120 twin lens reflex f 28mm at f 4 120雙鏡反光機焦距28毫米

What aboutyour cat - like . reflexes 你像貓一樣的.反射怎么樣

They have a heightened flight reflex 他們的逃跑反射非常發達

It also reverses other reflexes that control body temperature 酒精還逆轉體內其他控制體溫的反射。

English will be your automatic reflex 你將侃侃而談,流利自然

: b plus and good in reflex , luster enough with good view : b極強反射光明亮,銳利、均勻,映像清晰。

F / r / w : bonuses to fortitude , reflex , and will saves 強韌反射意志:強韌、反射和意志豁免加值。