
reflective adj.1.反射的,反照的,反映的,反光的。2.能反省的...


Study about the elementary school key teachers ' views of reflective teaching 小學骨干教師反思意識的調查與分析

Ned lambert asked with a reflective glance at his toecaps . - in ohio 內德蘭伯特若有所思地望著自己的鞋尖問。

Study on discrimination effect of reactive and reflective road coating 反應型反光型道路標線涂料識別效果研究

Theoretical calculation of high anti - reflective film in visible spectrum region 可見光區高增透膜的理論計算

Reflective music and romantic song 圣樂與浪漫曲之夜

Solar reflective curing membrane 混凝土養護日光反射膜

A tentative probe into the reflective teacher and teacher education movement 反思型教師與教師教育運動初探

Light - reflective products processed by 絲網印刷反光制品

Standard specification for reflective insulation for building applications 建筑物用反射絕緣材料標準規范

A brief reflective study of the student work in chinese he institutions 學生工作與大學生主體性成長淺議

Reflective optic tachometric transducer 反光式轉速傳感器

Study on the technology of electric purging in heat - reflective glass 真空蒸鍍熱反射玻璃電清洗工藝研究

Elementary analysis of dewey ' s reflective thinking and teaching theory 杜威的反思性思維與教學理論淺析

Investigation on reflective fiber - optic seepage pressure sensors 反射式光纖水工滲壓傳感器的研究與實驗

After another reflective moment , tom says , “ i am conservative 湯姆又想了想,才回答:我比較保守。

On the features of a reflective teacher 論反思型教師的特征

She slowly lets out a mouthfulof smoke , absorbed and reflective 只見她慢慢地噴出一口煙,沉思起來。

To elaborate reflective evaluation 4 第四部分結論和啟示。

On cultivating reflective thinking ability of foreign language teachers 論外語教師反思能力的培養